


I just wake up at 5 a.m, as always. but this time without alarm clock.
Morning its a perfect time to think about your life and futher day.
For me,this time is important.
I feel lost sometimes, last two month. Just it happaned, that's why I took my "forgotten" projects and decide to finish them.
I thought it might help to understand myself, and where to go,and on what things to focus.
Im free right now. Free of work and other. Im in Riga,Latvia.
So, that means, I should find my ne…
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Yulia_Krasitskaya avatar
Yulia_Krasitskaya 2015年10月07日

Ты справишься с трудностями и все будет хорошо)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2015年10月07日

Yulia_Krasitskaya Спасибо большое,Юлия! <3

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2015年12月26日

Sometimes we humans "worry and think" too much on other people's life and problems that we forget that we too have a life to live. Whatever is to be will be so, and whatever is not to be, will not be so even if we try our best to make it so.


Are things that bad?

What if popular TV-series of "Friends" would filmed nowadays?
Can you imagine it?
I think this video is genius! )))
That shows how we ignone our life? And what is become important that just Talk in real life!
I can say I have life! Thats why I hardly can combine it with social network, sometimes ingnoring facebook, instragram.
But when I have time - I check it, and share my thoughts or things I want to share.
Yesterday i thought about, why it feels that times - fly. Because we in
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 2015年04月03日

Я вчера тоже это постила)))Действительно, актуальный вопрос  в наше время!!!Я считаю,пора нам отходить от всех этих соцсетей и модных гаджетов

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2015年04月04日

:)) да ну вот,не видела твой пост.  насчет отходить от сетей - наглядный пример был тем же вечером,когда встретилась с подругой,а потом еще подъехало пара знакомых,так переодически присутствовалла именно эта картинка... хотели мы этого или нет. но факт!


My friend commited a suicide, how to deal with it?

Hello, Everybody!
Today I got a shocking news, that my friend commited a suicide!
And I cannot believe it, because it was a kindest, open, honest and positive person I knew!
So it seems he looks positive, hiding all this things inside, which makes him do such a ,mistake.
I still can't believe, Why some people hiding worries, problems or pain behind their Smiles
I know, that in social its not "polite" to share your worries and so. But hiding it and don't share it with friends. Why?
The saddes…
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年09月05日

Right now I just knew, that Im more intent to my surroundings, and people around.

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月05日

Thank you ! :) :)

bharatholsa avatar
bharatholsa 2014年09月05日

Very nice of you Alexana5 to share this valuable life experience. My condolences for your loss.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月07日

so sad

Tinktank avatar
Tinktank 2014年09月07日

I'm sorry for your loss


How did you spend the last day of summer?

Hello, Everybody!
Today is the 1 of Seprember Autumn!
Talking about summer, its flight so fast! And I wanted to make this day unforgettable
And I did it Right now, Im sitting with a fever, but Im satisfied
Okey, Im sharing it with you. Yesterday we decided to go around all island.
Started at 12 p.m, and come back home 15 minutes to 12 a.m.
At the Prasonisi we stuck our scooter, get broken! OMG, and for 1,5 hour it wouldn't go. We call to men who give it for rent, BUT he said, I can't …
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JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月01日

which places do you suggest to visit?

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月01日

by the way, nice trip..

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月01日

Thank you ! :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年09月03日

JungaBunga Thank you) i suggest those where i've beed :D Lindos, Prasonisi, Monolitos, and Butterfly valley(i didn't been in the last one, but i wish to go)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年09月03日

Stix  ;)


What is your favorite fruit?

Hello, Everybody!
Its summer, soon is coming autumn So we need to be prepared. Eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as you can
Haha there is also platy "psychology" tests about "what the fruit you are %) Omg,
Im not bealive in such psychology tests, but anyway sometimes I like to look up some curiosity is the one of humans characters),
So just think and count, how many fruits a day you eat? or a week?
if not much you can catch u…
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A child Birth !

Hello, Everybody!
I want to share with you a very sensitive moment, and its also one of the power-est moments in our lives, for your parents and us.
A Birth!
I never had this experience yet, I mean to give a birth to a child. But I was a witness of this atmosphere, where everybody waiting and worrying. and excited at the same time
I also was asked to film special video! This video is the present for woman who give a birth to a child, and her husband keep it in a secret, and this finished video h
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About 100 Flowers Just For Smile :)

Hello Everybody!
How many times you met people who can do "crazy" great good things, without asking you something back?
Sometimes we wondering Why they do so?
Or the same with charity things, many times I herd one question - "Why you do so? Nobody pay you for that?"
And we sometimes don't understand motivation, motivation of Just make a good things, without asking something back!
I want to share with you one story, happened with me and my friend Katrina one month ago.
We walked on the street …
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月24日

I am sure you will remember that forever... :)


Shoe Disaster!!

Hi Everybody!!
I want to share with you my lucky moments with shoes
Yes, this is the problem, in this year I think I alredy said "bye bye" about 6 pairs of shoes! or more)
Some of them just broke, but some of them felt like theyre get Exposed!
For example black ones! they are exposed in the middle of the road, when I pass the traffic! OMG.. and I used to jump about 10 minutes to get into the bus, then i called my friend, and she met me at the bus stop, with her pair of shoes %)...
Another o…
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年08月17日


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年08月19日

^)) да бывает,что поделать

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月19日

I was at a wedding once. I had just bought a really expensive pair of shoes. A few thousand rand and that was some time ago. Anyway, I danced a lot that night. As I was leaving, about a meter away from the car, the heel broke. And it was a pretty high heel. I was so pleased at the timing of it. :)


Playing with myself

Do you remember the song "Dancing with myself"
So yes.. I taking better, I playing Bowling with myself ))
Nobody wanted to I decide to be a good company with myself %)
Went to Bowling.. asked to make me a two lines Alex vs. Xana
So as you see, all the time we were so close to each other... and finally Xana -WINs.
There were many companies about 8 and 12 people playing... watching how girl with a blue hair playing with her own
I had fun, yes and satisfied in the end.

So what do you te
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月04日

As long as I am having fun and my actions are gentle, I am not concerned about what people think. :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年08月04日

:)) yes its good,


Hello! IM back!!

Hey Hey Hey, Everybody!!!
Im back!
Its been a while, my last post was in May.
Yes, I was worked in 3 Riga, have too much to tell you.
But the best news is, that right now in in Greece I dyed my hair BLUE and want to keep in touch with you here!
I see there are so much changes and too much Tasks, which I need to complete!
Tell me how are you? And do you remember me ?
(photos below)

Last activities in Dukascopy was - my webinars about Art-Therapy.
blogging and tasks.
I will st…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月01日

I always wanted blue hair but have never been brave enough, as yet ! Laugh.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年08月01日

Me too, for many many years i wanted, but cannot decide, first was parent's opinion, then university,work... then finally did it!

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月01日

I am usually blonde highlights... While my hair is still short, I want to find someone that can shade the back, from the bottom, from light pink upwards, to meet the blonde. I hope to do that soon - perhaps if I do well at the end of this month. :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年08月02日

Stix  oh wow, yes im sure it would look cool! :) can imagine this. i think when you young you can do such experiences.

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月02日

Laugh ! I am 41 years old. I am trying to reach a Webinar - either Traders Contest or Article Contest... I will turn my head around to show you, then ! If I can find someone to do it in Cape Town - sleepy town. :)
