Блог peachynicnic


Work slave : Work-life balance !?

There have been some news reporting that there were employees who work so hard and end up dying. You might find it absurd, but it is really the case.
In some Asian countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, the job market is highly competitive and demanding. Employers always require their staff to have Over-time working. Some staff would have subsidies (if lucky enough to have a good employer), but most of them don’t.
It is not rare to hear from my friends that they usually have over-time working …
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peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 27 Сент.

fxsurprise8 I know, you are always the boss!

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 27 Сент.

carpe TelisHellano  Peace :)

TelisHellano avatar
TelisHellano 27 Сент.

i am a peacemaker)))

KoBe avatar
KoBe 28 Сент.

Luckily I'm not

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 29 Сент.

KoBe I know lol

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Water - Essential for Life !

As we all know water is so essential for our body to function well.
We should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to maintain our health.
It is seemed that water is a necessity and can be easily reached.
We can either turn on the tape and there is fresh running water or simply buy it in supermarket.
However, in the third world or some developing countries,
water is a scarce and unreachable resource for those who are in poverty and desperate condition.
They can’t even get a single drop of
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peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 26 Сент.

Olga18375 thanks dear :) It was really hard to drink all at once!! I found my tummy nearly burst

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 26 Сент.

verindur Yes indeed, I haven't never ever wasted any water or food or whatever ...

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 26 Сент.

carpe so glad you like it!

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 26 Сент.

speculo_ergo_sum Old man, I can hardly understand your logic, I guess generation gap ? lol

KoBe avatar
KoBe 28 Сент.

Nice one and you look cute :)

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Definition of Happiness - Do you have a happy life?

This morning talked about how to achieve a happy life in my webinar. But, have you ever thought about what happiness means to you? How would you value happiness?
For me, I believe happiness is greatly related to wealth, health, and love. I put wealth at first among three criteria. I like earning money and seeing the amount in my bank accumulates. But I have no intention to spend it, it is just a proof of my capability. The more I earn, the more competent I am appealing. However, I’m not really
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Shalomavahatikvah avatar
Shalomavahatikvah 19 Сент.

Happy as is possible:)))

verindur avatar
verindur 19 Сент.

Yes I always try to do that. As unconditional as possible. Sometimes there are sanctions applied. But they are temporary and for a very short time and uplifted unconditionally.

cuteniki avatar
cuteniki 23 Сент.

Happiness matter the most

TelisHellano avatar
TelisHellano 26 Сент.

The biggest treasure of our life is our happiness. We live only once, let's enjoy it!

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 27 Сент.

TelisHellano Dont we need to define what happiness mean to us first ? then to enjoy it

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Life is all about trade-offs

Life is all about trade-offs
I got a friend who is doing his dream job right the moment. However, he is definitely not happy and even moans a lot. He has been working so hard for money, power and reputation in his career at the expenses of health and youth. He’s even losing his passion, vision, time to stay with parents, friends, and ex-girlfriend for the so-called tomorrow. Sometime, wonderland is never as wonderful. This is life, it is all about trade-offs.
How about me? With a view to comin
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Stix avatar
Stix 15 Сент.

Thank you ! :) :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 15 Сент.

I agree with your saying that " if you gonna get one thing accomplished, most of the time, you needa make sacrifices by giving up something" but I feel u are doing alittle bit too much......... You gonna get the body of your dream but at the cost of your health. You have just one life and it should  all about balance in it. All sacrifices should be moderate.

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 15 Сент.

JuliaBF Oh yes, sometimes people are telling me the extent I go is too extreme, I liking pushing myself. That isn't good. I will take your advice, thanks dear !!

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