annatimone's Blog


7 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Life!

As someone who has recently starting seeing a massage therapist more often than her own family, I can personally attest to the dangers of being a professional sitter. Yes, I already knew I needed to stand up more, but is sadly harder to put into practice than it should be-but what other habits can you put into place for a longer, healthier life? So, here it is: 7 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Life!

1. Lower your bedroom temperature
: Even if it's not the most comfortable thing to do…
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Love/Money? The Best is Yet to Come! Task 13

For love or for money? To be honest with you, when I was small I was dreaming of becoming an astronaut. So, that doesn’t answer the question… Obviously, I didn’t become an astronaut, but it was a wonderful and unusual childhood dream. Back to reality, right now I’m on a path to building both, career and personal life. My professional life or I guess financial independence is very important to me. I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying and taking pride in making money. As long as …
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Magic_FX avatar
Magic_FX 29 Aug.

+1 !

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 29 Aug.

Современное общество вынуждает женщин быть всем.Мы должны оставаться женственными и одновременно быть финансово независимыми)...В этом есть скрытая ирония,не находите?)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 30 Aug.

Absolutely! Women face a lot of pressure these days. As you said, we have to be everything and at the same time project happiness and not show any stress. I think pressure was taken off men and put more on women. And that’s why you see a lot more quality women than men. It’s not easy. But it looks like you managing it well..:)

mag avatar
mag 30 Aug.

the blind men of new york?

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Task 11 - Changing the World

To me, being an entrepreneur means being in control of your destiny. It’s creatively defining your own life and happiness through business and partnerships. It’s not following anyone else’s footsteps and standards, but creating your own road for others to follow. It means not settling for anything average and not accepting another's definition of success for your life. You choose instead to define, and then pursue your own success. Being entrepreneur means realizing that if you don’t control yo…
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annatimone avatar
annatimone 17 Aug.

I completely agree with you, Nadia. That’s why most businesses fail within first 5 years. Most people are not prepared for tremendous challenges that new business brings. Success in business comes with heavy price. Do you have your own business?

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 17 Aug.

не скажу что уже полноценный бизнес,но дело движется..да есть)

seediee avatar
seediee 17 Aug.

Well written! :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 17 Aug.

Thank you..:)

mag avatar
mag 17 Aug.

more, more, more training, innovation, responsibilities, concerns and again more training, innovation, responsibility, concerns that are relieved at the thought that I decided my calling; entrepreneur.

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