Metal_Mind's Blog


EUR/CAD - Bearish within fan lines !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 1.4455
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CAD/JPY - Reaching 50% fan line !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 95.04
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EUR/NZD - Range to be expected!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 1.5866
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 1.5600 which is at over 300 pips deviation from target .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 June

UPDATE 2: Deviation increased to over 400 pips.

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CAD/JPY-Dance between fan lines!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 93.80
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1 : EXCELENT PREDICTION . The bullish breakout that i anticipated happened exact as i described it above. Now the pair is heading higher every day forming the bullish trend i talked about. Current price level is  94.98 which is only 16 pips deviation from my target. This is a very good prediction and  of great quality & accuracy also.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: The pair moved in a 40 pips range lately  but  at the Friday close  ,the price was 95.04 which means that the overall deviation narrrowed itself from 16 pips to 10 pips now. This range movment is a bit tricky and  the final result may vary alot ,though this prediction is  quite remakable.I anticipated very well the dance between fan lines.

Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 3: Remarkable prediction . Current price level is 95.17 that meaning only a 3 pips deviation from my target. Current price action is set to continue the bullish momentum. I hope a correction will happen in  the hours left to reduce the deviation.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : The price at the settelment time was 95.23 that  representing a 9 pips deviation from target or 0.09% . Very good prediction  overall despite the deviation.

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EUR/JPY-Triangle Pattern!

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Elements used: EMA 3,5,13,21,50,100,Time Markers.
Current Level : 141.02

EUR/JPY has had a 5100 pips sharp bullish rise month after month until recently when it seem to have encounter a resistance level. I used percent lines levels last month to determine where the pair could be heading. I predicted a retracement period.
Today i can conclude that i was right. The retracement period did occured but the losses were recovered very quickly and the pair played in a range
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 28 Feb.

you are hard-working person)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 Feb.

Thanks Convallium!

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.


Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 Mar.

UPDATE 2: CUrrent price level is 142.14  narrowing the deviation to 170 pips. If we have some extraordinary event the prediction might be close. Even though that is not very likely to happen.

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EUR/CAD - Double Bottom!

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Support & Resistance Levels ,EMA:3,5,13,21,50,100.
Current Level :1.5196
pair has been bullish from mid August 2012 . I keep my last 3 months bullish perspective for this pair.This month the pair had experienced quite a range more than half a month after the berish retracement as the result of the last month 550 pips sharp bullish trend.
The pair moved at it's max 460 pips and now seems to be retracing since it retested and fai
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: This prediction was pretty close. Agter reaching 1.5591  only 20 pips bellow target, the pair reversed and plummeted over 400 pips. I might anticipated the rally but failed to anticipate the plummet and with several days to go we can says that this predicion is over.

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AUD/USD-Bullish Reversal !

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Indicators: Fibonacci Retracements,Fan Lines,Support & Resistance,EMA:3,5,13,21,50,100,200.
Current Level : 0.8979

AUD/USD is in a very interesting set up right now. If we watch closely on the 4 Hours chart we can see that the pair made a major resitance at (0.9095) and afterwards descended in a bearish trend forming an important support zone at the (0.8660) price level from where the price action started another rally.
As we can see we had in the first half of
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: Excelent prediction. I anticipated very well the bullish reversal and this occured  as i predicted it in two phases with 2 higher supports zone as i draw it in my chart. The target has already been reached , the current price level is 0.9263 that beeing a  140 pips deviation above target. Excepting the deviation the prediction is excelent.

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Metal_Mind 28 Mar.

UPDATE 2: Today the pair seem to make a minor retracement. The closing  price was 0.9253 reducing the deviation to 130 pips. The prospects are good for this prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 Mar.

UPDATE 3: Current price level is 0.9270  which  increases the deviation to 152 pips.With only several hours to go , without any event the target looks pretty far.

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EUR/AUD-Retest Resistance& Support between Fan lines!

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Indicators: Fibonacci Retracements,Fan Lines,Support & Resistance,EMA:3,5,13,21,50,100,200.
Current Level : 1.5295

EUR/AUD has been extremly volatile stariting this year. The year started continuing the bearish trend and the pair made a 350 pips sharp bearish move.Also after that move the pair hovered in a range for some days and made another 550 pips bullish move in just 3 days. After last month bearish price action i expect the fibonacci fan lines level (23.60) to ho
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Metal_Mind 27 Mar.


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GBP/JPY-Retracement or Revarsal??

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Elements used: Fibonacci Fan Lines, Fibonacci Retracements,EMA 3,5,13,21,50,100,Time Markers.
Current Level : 170.80
GBP/JPY have had a very interesting layout in past two months. The strong bullish wave that stopped in on 31st December making room for a waited retracement after over 800 pips bullish momentum without any major retracements. The pair surprised in these two month with very strong bearish & bullish trends and intermidiate movements that lasted for days.
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Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: It seem that my calculations were right with this prediction. The  pair definatly started to move up.Current price level is 169.78 which is a 130 pips deviation from  target. The price action positioning and timming is excelent and from the look of it we will have a bullish continuation as predicted.This one is close.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 Mar.

UPDATE 2 : Well this prediction definatly played out very well. the timming really was great. The Friday closing price is 171.17 that  beeing  only 9 pips  above my target  and  a (0.10%) deviation. This is an excelent prediction. The bullish wave is pretty strong  so this result unfortunatly  from what i see will not be preserved  until settlement. Nonetheless this is one very good prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 Mar.

UPDATE 3: This excelent prediction seem ruined . The current price level is 172.01  that  increasing the deviation from target  to over 93 pips from previous  9 pips. It such a shame since this was an excelent prediction.

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EUR/USD - Visual Analysis!

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Elements used:Fibonacci Fan Lines,Retracements;Percent Lines;EMA,3,5,13,21;MACD;Time Markers.
Current Level : 1.3497
pair in my wiew is one of the most , if not the most hard pair to predict accurately. The fact that it comprises these 2 great economies the United States & European Union it's younger ''brother'' makes it so hard to predict. The monetary policy of the EU and the fact that not all countries have euro as currency makes this pair react
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Metal_Mind 26 Feb.

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 1.36 over 300 pips above my target. With some major good news for the dollar the prediction may be in the books.

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UPDATE 2 : Current price level is 1.3799 which is over 420 pips above the target.

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