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VictoriaVika avatar

Thats nice :)

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The new trader of the year is stripedcat07...
I don't know who he is, but the news says he is the new trader of the month..Why???
Because he has the highest monthly average profit, that's the criteria for the award. I got curious and did some checking.
From January 2013 to the current month, stripedcat07 ended the trading contest with his account over a 100k 3 times.
April 2013 - 758k
May 2013 - 924k
August - 263k
this is his current standing for April 2014
How do you win the trader of…
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CommunitySupport avatar

Winner:Every 3 months, 6 winners are determined according to their position in the "Contest standings" in the 6 and 12 month nominations. The key to success is high average profitability. In future we might also include the Signal Provider subscriber count as the 2nd criterion.Average Profitability (%) = (Total P&L / (100,000 * n)) * 100%, where n is the number of months in the respective period, including the current one.

shanziester avatar

I don't know how stripedcat trades but he is obviously good if he has got the title and the title was given for 3 months . its a quarterly contest.  As community support said every 3 months 6 winners are determined.  I think instead of looking at one bad month or few bad months we should look at his cumulative performance cause that's what matters in this contest

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What does it take to be a great trader?

Here’s some food for thought regarding analytical and intuitive trading (NOTE – I didn’t say analytical OR intuitive). It quotes one of my favorite trading-related writers, Denise Shull.
Have a read, it is an intriguing idea:
  • Theory of Mind (ToM). In brief, ToM is the uniquely human ability to read intentions (or goal-directedness) from patterns observed in one’s surroundings.
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seediee avatar
seediee 12 Out

Very good article! Thanks for sharing this with us! I like ToM :)))

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