Daytrader21's Blog


EUR/USD +100 Pips Profit. Trade Explanation

In today's blog post I'll talk about my trades from yesterday. I've been trading on the short side of EUR/USD and actually I was able to take 2 trades making a cumulative profits in excess of +100 pips. My first trade was right at the London Open (see Figure 1) which is the ideal time to enter your trades because form my own experience the low/high of the day is made during that time of the day, there is a probability of 65% of that to happen.
Again, fading the London Open is one of my best …
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Lefy avatar
Lefy 10 June

Hi, There why you don't talk about trades you are planning to take, are you afraid we are going to steal your profits....., please history is history, talk about the future, its what we want to hear.....

Daytrader21 avatar

Lefy It's much more easy to talk about trades after the fact and also it's more practical because many of this trades you only see them as they happen and I'm not even sure if I take them or not. Trust me i'm not the one from whom to steal:)) look at my overall performance it looks quite awful:)...there are better traders here than me.

Airmike avatar
Airmike 10 June

nice trade , but very risky setup against trend on both entries.

Daytrader21 avatar

Airmike Even though we're in a secondary bullish wave, the primary wave is still bearish. Both of the trades worked well because my timing was spot on, otherwise I could have been in trouble.

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Cable + 93 Pips Profit. Trade Explanation

In today's blog post I want to take the time and talk about my last trade which was long GBP/USD. Since beginning of this month you could have seen me talking in details about all my trades in my blog and I hope this will give you a perspective on the reason and why I've decided to take that particular trade.
This trade is a particular setup that I usually take during London open when the market starts moving strong in one direction and than it quickly reverse, so you have to fade that quick mov…
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Daytrader21 avatar

Stix When I'm referring to "liquidity inefficiency" I mean that there are few orders executed inside this type of move and it creates gap in liquidity as only few people get their orders filled when everyone jumps in to catch that move. Why do you think you get slippage?:)

Stix avatar
Stix 9 June

Thanks, Daytrader21. Yes, I do understand. It seems incredible that for moments in time, all business ceases, since it is an electronic system but given that the major contributors are banks etc, the vigilance during economic data release is understandable. It still surprises me, after all this time. Thanks ! :) :)

cocciolla avatar
cocciolla 10 June

congratulation for prize in the strategy contest

Daytrader21 avatar

cocciolla Thanks mate, I saw you in top 10 as well so congrats to you as well.

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FX Story Time

Is that time again when I'm rambling again about the FX markets and the sh*t going on in the land of the free market on a daily basis. There is no day passing by without to be amazed of the things going on with the FX Market. This time around I took again a long position on EUR/AUD after my first attempt failed to materialize around RBA rate decision, I spoke more about that trade here: RBA Cut Rates
Not to mention that the reaction on the RBA rate decision was absurd and I was expecting …
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guilhemch avatar

Nice story as usual. It is always difficult the handle these times when your forecast is right but you're not taking part in the party.

Daytrader21 avatar

guilhemch Yes, it's even harder when this is happening since beginning of the month, definitely not a good strategy to get in top 10 rank:)

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