

Very special day

About the special day and special wedding.
Im not such a tradition breaker, but I wish to have a wedding ceremony High in the Air. On Hot air balloon.
That would be amazing! I

Because promises will give to each other its intimate moment, and up here in the sky, it would be like eternity I feel
Other things can be more close to tradition - white beautiful dress, closest friends and family member invited.
Another thing, we will make some charity event on the next day after weddin
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2015年09月08日

in this case you must merry a p guy who can rule the hot air balloon, or the moment up in the sky will not be all that intimate.

nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 2015年09月09日

good luck, Alexana! And i am sure you will find the one who would share your ideas.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2015年09月09日

driven yes, I seen many weddings how its happand and I really excited about it. So Im not he first who want it :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2015年09月09日

speculo_ergo_sum :))) it's okey, their always specialist-worker who who know how to rule this stuff)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2015年09月09日

nastiatru Thank you! :) I wish so too.


Feminine charms

Feminine charms, what is it?
Do I have such?
What charms can be used?
I can say, that honesty - is the firs charm for both sex. As for women and for men.
Second is - to love your life. When person interested in life and want to explore it. This is power inside - makes wonder.
Third is - to be curios about people, when you interested in people with who you are, when you involved in their lives and open to them, (on only interested in yourself..and thats all), that opens to you …
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2015年09月08日

very hip hairdo


How to feel harmony?

Want to add some things, because many times I asked myself "How to find harmony?".
What is harmony?
Everybody has his own way to harmony inside.
But the main thing, that we have our emotions balanced - in the middle.
Did somebody teach you how to be in harmony in yourself?
I learn it from...some time after. Some came as a experience, some from good books, which help me.
So there is few points which I want to share with you:
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Naive or just a believer.

This is me and my 2 years of loose )
I don't want to blame anybody, even myself for being NAIVE and closing eyes on lots of things.
Now I know much and see more. Every person is a teacher.
And every loss is can be a gain from something else in life.

But the most important lesson I got after this relationship, You should give and get in similar way,
and understand if something went wrong, (not be in illusions), of course love is about giving and carring, but love yourself too,…
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verindur avatar
verindur 2015年01月11日

Be Nice and Be Smart as well. But don't be blind. Look at those Animals. They also know whom to kiss. )))))

atasoy avatar
atasoy 2015年03月10日

hot kiss__)))


My present for lovers :)

Hello, Everybody!
Want to share with you a short video i made as a present for lovers
Maria, the girl in the video she working here in Rhodes as a tourist guide already 2 yeras, (2 seasons).
And her boyfriend came to meet her They had time together, they ask me to make a photos of them, but i also decide to film short moments they are spending together for memory
That's so niice to see happy people, and always want to do something more !
Love and care about each other
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Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年09月08日

oh)) just noticed, that my post is carry on the theme which telling us @californian_devil

Shalomavahatikvah avatar
Shalomavahatikvah 2014年09月09日

Wow, when you see true love in action. Pure happiness.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月09日

great present you make ;) nice!
