annatimone's Blog


Relationship Dealbreakers! Is it love or money ?

The next time someone approaches you in a bar and asks for your digits, they may not be after your phone number. For those seeking a soul mate, the following financial dealbreakers may surprise you.
Low Credit Score
According to a new study, about 30% of women and 20% of men surveyed won’t marry someone with a bad score. Because credit scores are proving more important these days, singles are ever concerned that their partner’s low score could negatively impact their ability to buy a home or car…
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seediee avatar
seediee 9 Oct.

but where love disappeared!?

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diamondlife76 avatar

Честно, рыдала над этой книгой.

annatimone avatar

Me too. Fantastic book!

Tatiana_Tim avatar

very romantic story

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Love/Money? The Best is Yet to Come! Task 13

For love or for money? To be honest with you, when I was small I was dreaming of becoming an astronaut. So, that doesn’t answer the question… Obviously, I didn’t become an astronaut, but it was a wonderful and unusual childhood dream. Back to reality, right now I’m on a path to building both, career and personal life. My professional life or I guess financial independence is very important to me. I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying and taking pride in making money. As long as …
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Magic_FX avatar
Magic_FX 29 Aug.

+1 !

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 29 Aug.

Современное общество вынуждает женщин быть всем.Мы должны оставаться женственными и одновременно быть финансово независимыми)...В этом есть скрытая ирония,не находите?)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 30 Aug.

Absolutely! Women face a lot of pressure these days. As you said, we have to be everything and at the same time project happiness and not show any stress. I think pressure was taken off men and put more on women. And that’s why you see a lot more quality women than men. It’s not easy. But it looks like you managing it well..:)

mag avatar
mag 30 Aug.

the blind men of new york?

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