

EURUSD overview

the first fed/FOMC meeting of 2018 was held in the week we were busy in terms of Eri and news flow. As expected, the FED announced that the economy supports gradual interest rates while not making any changes in interest rates. Inflation, however, is expected to rise this year, in the medium term, around 2 percent of stability is declared to win. Looking at the country's data released last week, non-agricultural employment, ADP non-agricultural employment, Conference Board Consumer Confidence, t…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Oil general expectation.

China's leading oil companies, Sinopec'den; in 2017, the largest importer of China's position, increased by 10.1 percent last year, 420 million tons(approximately 3 billion 90 million barrels) was announced to purchase. Oil prices are expected between 50 and 70 dollars for 2018, the country's oil demand is expected to increase by 3 percent. On the other hand, US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that there could be a military coup in Venezuela, the world's largest oil reserves. Baker Hughes …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示