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Хочу поделиться своим первым опытом шитья шорт. Я не раз шила для себя нижнее белье, как то я ходила на курсы по шитью, и летом решила сшить домашние шорты) Я думаю, для моего первого опыта, получилось довольно таки не плохо, я до сих пор хожу в них по дому)) Это заняло у меня буквально один день, а радовать они меня будут еще долго.
Вообще, имея дома машинку (а я ее приобрела весной) можно сшить так много вещей для себ…
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Sewing techniques for beginners-Part 2

Now Here is the other part of the tutorial.
Everything you need to know to get started. If you have never used a sewing machine before, watch this video and you will soon be Making all your Own Clothes.
Enjoy your day. B'bye!!
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Sewing techniques for beginners-Part 1

Hey! Hope all are good and fine.
Yesterday site wasn't working so i found some time to watch movies and tutorials relating to different stuff. I thought to share some videos here ( as usual I always do-Lol)
I am posting a sewing tutorial which is for beginners like me and is about some basic techniques which are needed to learn while getting started. It is basically about choice of fabric, needles,other equipment,and stitching techniques.
Hope it will be useful and helpful for you.
The remaining…
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The Art of manicure

Hello, Everyone!
Today by surfing in folders in my computer, I found many pictures of manicure I had and very enjoed
I put them all together for a collage.
And made a research about Art of manicure and history of manicure.
So what what I found" The word manicure comes from a combination of the Latin words “manus” – hand and “cura” – care.
Today, manicure means a system for hand care.
3, 000 years ago, the people of ancient Egypt and China had no idea of the possibilities of contemporary manic
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