
按标签筛选:  Miss Dukascopy 2013 Task 10

Видео интервью)

Не судите строго ... Это мой первый раз!!!read full story to watch video
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Oleg3 avatar
Oleg3 31 10月

Как для первого раза то очень хорошо получилось,так держать хорошее видео!

Sfinks avatar
Sfinks 5 11月



Interview by Natalie.

Welcome , dear friends ! My name is Natalie Melashchenko , and my assistant called Julia. Today, I would not like to talk about politics or the economy. In such a wonderful day I want to tell you about my country - Ukraine , where I was born . And Julia , this will help me .So, what is Homeland ? This is - a rhetorical question to which the answer is every man his own, and each one he will surely correct . My country - it's part of my soul , so to objectively assess and describe it I did not get…
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exponenta avatar
exponenta 28 10月

Ukraine was a center of the medieval East Slavic civilization. This state, known as the Kievan Rus' became the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. But this is not about the movie was made. It's a pity!

yulya avatar
yulya 28 10月

helpful information.

Blackmen avatar
Blackmen 28 10月

cool interview!

Alena123 avatar
Alena123 30 10月

да, у нас прекрасная страна! Наталья, молодец!

baksss avatar
baksss 30 10月

Классное интервью ! Натали, вы как настоящая телеведущая :)


Sensation! Interview with Arturs10 :) for task 10 :D

Hi girls! Finally I did it!
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Sintija avatar
Sintija 27 10月

A very nice interview!

anitapreisa avatar
anitapreisa 27 10月


meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 29 10月

Anita, finally we can hear your voice:)) Nice video!!

cristianopires avatar

so nice :D Viva Latvia! :D

Arturs10 avatar
Arturs10 1 11月



My video interview

Here is my video interview, where I'm talking to person, whom I respect and trust a lot. Hi s name is Rokas and he have University education in physic science and also have Master degree in EMBA ( Executive Management and Business Administration). . Besides that he has a great experience in telecommunication and IT areas ( more that 20 years) and his contribution on that areas are really big. He participated in some international projects (Denmark and North Korea) and made presentation …
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babonasfx avatar
babonasfx 20 10月


Neu_spir8 avatar
Neu_spir8 21 10月

Good luck....

SIBINPS avatar
SIBINPS 25 10月

Good interview...

Fxtrader500 avatar
Fxtrader500 25 10月

Good interview +1

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 25 10月

Thank's dear friend, your opinion is very important for me!


Видео интервью:)))

Всем привет!
Мое 10 задание с большим опозданием !!!! Я беру интервью у бомжа,который случайно согласился ответить на несколько вопросов!!!!

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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 14 10月

Жеееееесть. Весьма натурально.

kolokol avatar
kolokol 14 10月

Мы старались!

kolokol avatar
kolokol 14 10月

Бомж,это тоже небольшая прослойка нашего общества!!!! Давайте посмотрим на мир и их глазами!!


Most Controversial Issue in the Philippines

Hope you will like this Video.
For some reason I couldn't embed the video.
They change the settings and hopefully they will currently working for the errors and bugs of the site.
so just click on my link and ÿit will direct ÿyou to my youtube >>>>My task 10 Video
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Jessa avatar
Jessa 19 9月

AWW sorry nick ive just done my best :)

keisha avatar
keisha 21 9月

what do u mean vertical video?

Ramon00 avatar
Ramon00 22 9月

you can do better than this jes

Joevil_Amora avatar

well i liked it,m thanks Jessa

Julie avatar
Julie 22 9月

yes jessa you can do better than that i knew you


The most difficult interview in my life!

Hi friends,It is the last task...Ohhh!!! I hope you enjoy it
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seediee avatar
seediee 16 9月

:))) very cool video and you are so sweet!

Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 16 9月

I am very pleased, thanks ^^

Doireann1 avatar
Doireann1 12 10月

great job...I like the music!

meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 28 10月

really great!!

Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 28 10月

Thanks, girls... :)))


Task 10: Video interview with Cyberman

Hello again,I kind of like this idea of becoming new Spielberg, so here is my other video-art for Task 10.Please don't take it serious, just some creativity I love horror movies (even trashy ones) so the soundtrack from Resident Evil was perfect addition to the picture.After I bought this mask on Ebay auction for 2 pounds it was lying in my closet for many months until I discovered it can actually speak!I've discovered that I really like to speak English in front of the camera! My friends share…
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baigozina_svetlana avatar

very good idea


Let's play journalist

Brief translation of the text . Good evening. My name is Natalia. - Hello, introduce yourself, please .- Hello, my name is Mikhail." Today we talk about business. What do you think about the business ?- Business is money. Business training is also money. There's nothing wrong there. Money is a value. How to bring this value to a consciousness of the people ? People are offered a lot of unnecessary information . At the seminar on business can talk about anything,not only about business. The conse…
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werl avatar
werl 15 9月

Good Luck! ))

awwd avatar
awwd 15 9月

and that cool

jen4ikk avatar
jen4ikk 16 9月

very interesting interview

Olga_Zolotareva avatar

very interesting and informative vidio

Nikolaevich1 avatar

cool vidio


My video interview in the sea

Hi Dear Dukascopy Community,Here's me with the task ​​number 10. Ohh it was very interestingly in the realization of this task. Firstly I want to thank Dukascopy which forced me to record one interview and even upload it to Youtube. It was a pretty cool experience!I know that you will surely laugh at this my little video record, but you know what, never mind! And we're dying of laughter during video interview recording. DDAt first I was so sad because I was refused by my friend to service the r…
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seediee avatar
seediee 21 8月

oh thank you so much harpe! :) Now I feel honored with this beautiful comment you awarded me! :)))

ivanbgd avatar
ivanbgd 21 8月

yes, interesting very interesting

Panzer avatar
Panzer 22 8月

Original, best of luck to you ))

seediee avatar
seediee 22 8月

Ooo thank you so much! :)

Romana avatar
Romana 2 10月

Very funny!
