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Filtrado por etiquetas:  Miss Dukascopy 2013 Task 19

Useful tips for health

In an athlete's life always happen injury. I received a lot of bruises, abrasions, bruises. Once I dislocated my shoulder. Luckily I know a way to make these troubles less noticeable.
If the projectile flew in the face, do not despair. If immediately after the injury to the injured place make something cold (like ice), a bruise will not be as large.
It so happens that bundles much ache. Maybe it's strength. It is desirable to make a cold compress on the basis of the sage and bind tighter.
The mo
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Task 19: Lifehacks

I think I'm really bad in Lifehacks I was thinking a lot about this topic and came to the conclusion that all my lifehacks are based on that particular moment, I guess it's because I'm too emotional and prefer do things in different ways every time, completely not practical, I admit it
No, of course I have some tips that I'm using - such as adding garlic during pasta souse preparation makes it way much better, or adding sugar in the flower water makes their life longer, but does anyone really …
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 21 Out

+1 Liked: nice tips on communication :)

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To make life easier, just do some simple things:

Be positive, be in a good mood
Sleep well
Eat healthy
Do sports
Plan your time
Make „to do” list
Keep your environment clean
Take care of yourself
Meet with your friends, family
Study or learn something new
Take it easy
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peterisp avatar
peterisp 18 Out

....and don't stress...

meyermasha avatar

and don't pay attention to negative people:D

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Okey, I am not that person that has lots of lifehacks.
The best advice that my granny told me - if you want to stay slim, eat green salad before the meal. It will improve your metabolism and you will be young forever.
Also, I heard that using flour and hair dryer you can "wash" your hair. Flour just absorbs all the "fat" from your hair and they looks fresh. Honestly, I have never tried this hack.
From the childhood I remember that if you accidentally have caught chewing gum on your clothes, you …
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 24 Out

+1 Liked: interesting tips. Thanks for sharing :-)

Anastasia avatar

You are welcome. :)

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Make our life easier

First of all, if we would like to make our life easier, we must to look easier at any problem, we must to do any job with love. More positive emotions, more smiles, more goodness - and life will change to better. Our life is not so easy and every of us sometimes have some difficulties, some problems and every of us more or less have our self lifehacks. There were many lifehacks in my life and still are. I've never thought before that i will be able to brick up the wall and even decorate it! I'v…
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alincik avatar
alincik 15 Out

I admire you ^^ I want to know more, to know how you cook fast :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 16 Out

alincik, thank's, here the answer to your question :)

ivanbgd avatar
ivanbgd 17 Out

ok, veri intersting

Fxtrader500 avatar

You seem very determined :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 18 Out

tnx, dear friend for so pleasant words

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1. First of all every morning try to get up very early. Even if you can not, and probably do not want. I belive that people who used to go to bed and get up early - live longer.
2. Secondly - have a healthy good breakfast. Eating breakfast, we get energy for the day.
3. Before the meal, you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will not only improve your digestion, but also health.
4. Try to smile as much as possible. Even to strangers. It will make your own mood better.
5. Go…
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маленькие секреты =)

Я не знаю станут ли полезны вам мои советы, но все же с удовольствием ими поделюсь!
Мало кто знает самый дешевый, быстрый и безопасный способ чистки столовых приборов: отвариваем картошку, кушаем ее, а в воду после нее - бросаем наши вилки-ложки и кипятим 10 минут.
Я очень люблю пирог с луком. Но за раз почистить и порезать такое количество лука, не пролив при этом два ведра слез,казалось бы,нереально. А вот и нет. На 15-20 минут бросаем лук в морозилку перед резкой,а во время - дышим ртом, и не
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karinka90 avatar

первый совет сегодня проверю))

nastya1994 avatar

все правда

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My life hacks

It is great that simple things can make our lives easier. Here are some life hacks that I often use.
1. Optimization of your sleep
Do you know that sleep efficiency depends on the time of day? See the table below.
Calculate the amount of your sleep during your day regimen. Remember that fatigue syndrome is one of the causes of many diseases.
2. Health care
Start your day with a glass of water with lemon. It improves digestion and removes waste products and toxins.
3. Time management
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Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 13 Out

Youtube dance is funny

35M265Hi avatar
35M265Hi 13 Out

You're absolutely right in that if you organize your day then you are doing other things easier. Heme beautiful, yet super-smart combination

Vayolet avatar
Vayolet 13 Out

Thanks :))

CriticalSection avatar

haha Harlem Shake....... Very good tips here :)

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Tips and tricks: For Life!

I don't think I do anything special actually.
But here are some things I do.
1. I don't iron. I hate ironing. Instead I have a clothes dryer and fold the clothes while they are still hot to keep them wrinkle free.
2. I store my skincare in the fridge so that they last longer and stay fresh.
3. If your shoes are too small. Fill ziplock bags with water and make sure that there is no air in them. Place them in your shoes. Place shoes in a bag and put them in the freezer. They will stretch.
4. When …
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Life Hacks: Uncommon Solutions to Common Problems. Task 19

Enjoy and learn a whole bunch of life hacks. I hope it will make your life a little easier..
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mag avatar
mag 13 Out

Great idea the clips

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