
タグ・フィルター:  Miss Dukascopy 2013 Task 22

Feedback for the contest

  1. What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  2. What should be improved in the Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  3. Will you participate in the Miss Dukascopy 2014? Why?
1. I allready had experience in some contests, but this one was a bit different. Realy need to think about some interesting questions, make some pictures, videos.
2. I think this contest is not fair, because some was registred from the beginning, but some 3 days ago. How its possible for girl to win if she found this contes…
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Feedback for the contest

1.What has been my experience with Miss Dukascopy contest?
I'm really happy that I've got such possibility to participate in such wonderful contest! I have never took part in any contests like this and for me it was a great challenge! I have started my journey here in Miss Dukascopy contest from zero and without any support team! And I'm really exited that I've collected so many votes and met people who really noticed me. This contest means for me a lot - it is the way to provide information, to…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2013年10月31日

one more thing, I missed, that I improve my English - at school I learned only French, so I learned English myself, and participating in this contest helped me to learn English much better.

WallStreetBlog avatar
WallStreetBlog 2013年10月31日

+ 1 !!! :)


Feedback for the contest, Task 22

My feedback answers for the contest:
What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
This is my first time to be involved with Dukascopy Bank Community and this is my first time to participate in Miss Dikascopy contest. I had a wonderful experience and enjoyed all of the components of the contest. It was interesting to work on all tasks. I enjoyed my interaction with other Miss. Dukascopy contest participants as all ladies are very beautiful, smart, talented and ver
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2013年11月01日

Miss Dukascopy 2013 :)

annatimone avatar
annatimone 2013年11月01日

Ok. Thanks. What should I do with this prize now? Is it money I can only trade? Or can I get it in cash?

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2013年11月01日

You can withdraw it as soon as the minimum turnover condition is complete (we want you to try our platform frist, maybe you'll like it ) .

annatimone avatar
annatimone 2013年11月01日

Ok. Thank you. I would like to withdraw it. What are the minimum turnover conditions? Thank you.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2013年11月01日

Funds can be withdrawn from the accounts after the minimum turnover is reached. The required turnover constitutes $500,000 for each $100 won.

In other words - some 15 trades with high leverage. Your account manager will give you all the details. He should contact you next week.


Feedback for the contest

  1. What as been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
Ihave a warm experience with Miss Dukascopy, I´ve met lot of
interesting opinions and people from all around the world. Ladies
challenging with their beauty and intellectual skills each other.
Improving my foreign language and sharing my ideas via blog and
possibly received feedback from interesting people and been enriched
by blogs of my favorites. Your tasks became very interesting and more
intellectual by the time so it was
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2013年10月31日

I agree with you, Romana, and for me is a little strange, that some girls are a little unhappy, that it was too difficult to sign in here to their friends, who only wanted to vote for them.

H0nza avatar
H0nza 2013年10月31日

Can´t await next generation of Dukascopy beauty contest...

Romana avatar
Romana 2013年11月01日

me too:-)


Task 22

What is your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
To start participating in Miss Dukascopy - it's huge and colossal work of mental and physical activity ! With the mission to find out a lot about myself , I learned what I can to win , I have made new friends, I want to say a special thank you for the support and S_amire help! this is not an easy and fun for me to check all the life time of my friends ... Some people have reacted and supported , while others simply did not want to help me
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 2013年10月31日

Я всегда рада помочь! ) Удачи тебе, Настя! )))

Sfinks avatar
Sfinks 2013年11月05日



New experience

Привет всем. Конкурс близится к завершению. Многие девушки участвовали в Miss Dukascopy 2013. И многие получили полезный опыт. Вот что конкурс дал мне:
1. Я научилась вести блог. Да да, до этого я очень редко сидела за компьютером. Стыдно признаться, но для меня интернет был загадкой. Но теперь я продвинутый пользователь. Я зарегистрировалась в Facebook. Оказалось общаться с иностранцами очень интересно.
2. Я позвонила бабушке в Сибирь. Она живет на расстоянии 3900 км от Белгорода. Я узнала, как…
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alexv avatar
alexv 2013年10月30日

Пожалуйста, отвечайте здесь www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/q_a/?clear_tag=task+22

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2013年10月30日

в блоги можно загружать фото размером до 2мб, не надо тут :) фотография такого размера не помещается целиком ни в 1 из мониторов. Максимальное разрешение, из используемых часто - 1920*1080. 2мб фотки в 2 раза больше и по горизонтали, и по вертикали :) полноразмерное фото видно кликнув по нему в записи.

Aleksandra_Morgun avatar
Aleksandra_Morgun 2013年10月30日

Хорошо) Буду держать себя в форме, чтобы помещаться на фото)

citikot avatar
citikot 2013年10月31日

про лень не понял ))) быть в такой форме несовместимо с ленью. так что не наговаривайте на себя!

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2013年10月31日

настоящий спортсмен всегда адски ленив. :) Поэтому тренеры такие злюки.


Task 22: Feedback for the contest

1. What's your general experience with the contest? Did you find it interesting, difficult or easy?
It was definitely very unusual to me and I found some tasks very inspiring on the things that I always
wanted to make but couldn't make due to my laziness or lack of time (I guess
more laziness since I did them all for Miss Dukascopy tasks)
So it was definitely interesting, not always difficult but also not easy. I think it was a good
balance in the tasks regards the creativity, artistic skills an…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 2013年11月01日

There is another principle. User of a social network registers him account in a special program. There are also other registered users. Then you can vote using this program from the accounts of all registered people. Thousands of people registered there. Can you imagine? The only way to avoid this is a confirmation of registration from the e-mail.

Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 2013年11月01日

Congratulations with second place and top 10 :)

Atashi_Tada avatar
Atashi_Tada 2013年11月01日

@Lika_Ya wow that's amazing, wasn't expected at all!!!Aaaa!! :) thanks a lot for your support dear Lika Ya!

Lika_Ya avatar
Lika_Ya 2013年11月01日

:) You deserve it! 100 points from Dukascopy is cool

Atashi_Tada avatar
Atashi_Tada 2013年11月01日

Lika_Ya thaaaanks!!!


Task 22: The Miss Dukascopy experience

1.What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
2.What should be improved in the Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
3.Will you participate in the Miss Dukascopy 2014? Why?
1. It's been fun actually. Sometimes it's stressfull cause I work as well and have to do these tasks and it is very time consuming. We have to try to promote ourselves and try to get likes as well. I started out, not knowing what to talk about and having no experience in blogging. I ended up finding out what I can
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 2013年10月29日

каждый вопрос активен как ссылка и там пишут ответы...

alexv avatar
alexv 2013年10月30日

Please post your answers to the questions here www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/q_a/?clear_tag=task+22

CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 2013年10月30日

Nicely done. Absolutely lovely in red (cool fingertips). Alex beat me to it with the above tip.

Roopy avatar
Roopy 2013年10月31日

wow.. i agree, i really hope you win.
