Atashi_Tada's Blog


So nice when somebody is looking for you!

Apart from great news that I won Iphone 5 for my NY resolutions (thank you so much dear Dukascopy!) it's been very exciting times for me!
I have visited two VERY beautiful UK cities this weekend (will share a small review later on) and one photographer just made my day when he found me on FB..
We were working on one small project together several months ago and I haven't received any normal photos from the shoot due to bad organisation, so I was very disappointed and didn't even hope to get som…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 28 Jan.

+1 )

nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 29 Jan.

its hypnotizing. very beautiful.

Atashi_Tada avatar

thanks everyone!! xxx

jezz avatar
jezz 30 Jan.

Bella :D

sonjatrader avatar

Nice expression,beautiful photo pretty girl!!

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My second visit to Geneva

I want to share another small but pretty exciting experience of mine, being Miss Dukascopy 2013.
Last week I had another trip to Geneva for just a day and a half to work on some more promotional material and also to make another interview for Dukascopy TV.
Since it was the next day after January Geneva Forex Event the atmosphere in the TV studio was very relaxed, but we managed to make a great material, so it was very productive!
As always, Swiss was perfect, just look at that view!!
First we ha…
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Daytrader21 avatar

Cool, lucky girl! :)


very good. beautiful girl

jezz avatar
jezz 25 Jan.

I hope daytrader is reckognizing the effort to make him happy :-D

Daytrader21 avatar

@jezz I'm very hard to be pleased:))))

sonjatrader avatar

Very well done Atashi!!! :))

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Every trader must see

How are you doing here, dear community? I had amazing couple of days in Geneva last Friday, going to share a small review on my trip later - we were doing some other promotional videos and photos, it was another exciting and productive day in Geneva!!
But this post is about something else. Yesterday I saw one brilliant movie about Trader life - The Wolf of Wall Street with Leo Di Caprio. I have to say - EVERY TRADER MUST SEE THIS MOVIE!
It was very inspiring and motivating!!! I didn't noti…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Jan.

Ну классика жанра).амбиции.дорогие костюмы.наркота.девочки.ягуар))...лучше документалку посмотрите "Трейдер на миллион".более реалистично)))

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Jan.

Леонардо как личность заслуживает глубокое уважение. он меценат

Atashi_Tada avatar

Nadin - надо будет глянуть, спасибо)

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 25 Jan.

Реальные ситуации реального брокера в си ти.рекомендую.без купюр скажем так о новичках в торговле))

kolokol avatar
kolokol 26 Jan.

1:0 )))))

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My New Year 2014 Resolutions!

So, these are my resolutions for 2014. Before I start I want to explain why I went for this type of presentation.
In my understanding NY resolutions are first of all my dreams. I used to dream a LOT every day before I go to sleep, just lying in bed and thinking about my dreams. What is dream for child – it’s plan for adult!
So dream = plan,
and plan = goals,
goals = targets
targets = resolutions

Following this long logic chain I have decided to go for child way o…
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Atashi_Tada avatar

haha Edita I think my artwork is similar what your children do, correct? :))
I though about Croatia, I might need your detailed advice then, 'cause I couldn't understand which part of Croatia is better to go - can't find the right information :(
London - waiting for you!!! :D

seediee avatar
seediee 16 Jan.

lol, your artwork are pretty cool and very creative. :))) Of course I will inform you where to travel in Croatia, dependes what you like - party, fun, romance, food, nature... I'm here, so when you need this info just ask. I'll be happy to help you. Cheers! :D

Atashi_Tada avatar

deal, Edita! I might contact you on this when it comes closer to May-June :) thanks!!!

Teodora avatar
Teodora 17 Jan.

Great, creative! :)

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you Teodora!

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Overton Window

This is very interesting subject for me as sociologist, I think pretty much everyone should be away of how it works.
Overton Window - the theory that describes as a narrow "window" the range of ideas the public will accept. Saying in easy words - very tricky way how group of radical/extreme movement can make their beliefs not only acceptable (even if that was Taboo in all public before), but also make it legal.
Sometimes I am really shocked to read global and UK news, but this theory perfectly d…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 15 Jan.

"Но лично ты обязан оставаться человеком. А человек способен найти решение любой проблемы. И что не сумеет один — сделают люди, объединённые общей идеей. Оглянись по сторонам." - это то, ради чего мы живем, один из ключей к успеху и счастливой жизни

Atashi_Tada avatar

это точно

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London at Night

Hello everyone!
How is your NY Resolution's post going? I am preparing mine, only 1 week left!
But before that I want to share some more beautiful photos that made Andy Chang, I will call this - London at Night.
Enjoy!! (See more photos inside (7 in total)!!)
I'm sure you will recognize the crown from award ceremony and my favorite earrings from Elke Berr!
Which one out of these 7 is your favorite and why?
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Daytrader21 avatar

Hard to decide, but I'll go with number 4 because 2 are always better than just one:)).

baigozina_svetlana avatar

1st - because I see nive face in the mirror...and 3nd - with emotions...

Atashi_Tada avatar

thanks Daytrader, that's one of my favorites too :)
Svetlana - thanks!!

jezz avatar
jezz 16 Jan.

number 2... maybe 2 are better than one for guys, but it's radiating beauty and smile for us with XX chromosomes

Atashi_Tada avatar

good point Jezz!, thanks :) Number 2 was photograph's favorite!

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Something about blogging

I am in a bit philosophical mood today and so while I was surfing in Miss Dukascopy blogs in timelines I was thinking how come there are plenty of interesting, smart people, but journal is almost empty, especially looking at the number of comments, discussions and actual engagement in the contest, apart from several popular members.
This will be very honest blog post and I’m expressing my opinion with purpose of challenge people be more active and create engaging content that is not only for “Li…
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Atashi_Tada avatar

Sonja - I will do it for sure, at least here:) Did you have other blogs before?

jezz avatar
jezz 11 Jan.

I started blogging here... and caught myself in sharing thoughts and interesting things I saw. I may need some polishing, but I found myself in this community because of people I found. Otherwise I would just turn to trading and forget all this.
Yes, the liking part has hurtful, but you try to do your best, not to get dragged into that posting of nonsense just for counting likes. I missed to see your blog among hundreds of meaningless posts. And I liked it, really, once I found it :D
And I have say on Daytrader21 blog - just perfect, consistent, high quality, reading with pleasure

Iryna avatar
Iryna 11 Jan.

Totally agree with you, Atashi!
We need to create interesting blogs and chat! It's cool!

Atashi_Tada avatar

Jezz - thanks a lot, i'm glad you enjoy blogging here, it's good start for winning some great prizes! Daytrader is great, very valuable member for this community imho!

Atashi_Tada avatar

Iryna - correct, so let's make it :)

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Happy new year!

Happy new year dear all and Merry Christmas to all Orthodox members here!
It's been a long I haven't even noticed!
Hope you all had great holidays and ready for hard work in 2014?
I did my resolutions for 2014, so will summarize them at some point! But I can unhide one of them already now - I want to create more art and happy to sacrifice more time for that, despite everything!
So far I think I did pretty well because I have already organized one lovely photoshoot with my friend Andy…
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Daytrader21 avatar

It seems you're not having enough of your crown:). I know it's hard not to wear the crown:). Happy New Year!!

Atashi_Tada avatar

thanks Sonja, I wish you the same!!
Daytrader - there is no word "Enough" for wearing a crown! :))

jezz avatar
jezz 8 Jan.

Mazbe daytrader would like to carry it for you. If it's too heavy :D

Atashi_Tada avatar

smartass :)

Daytrader21 avatar

LOL you girls are funny:))

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Geneva trip review - DAY 6 - the end!!!

I’m about to write this final post in 2013 describing my final day 6 in Geneva! It’s very little time left to finish all works of 2013! I still need to make my plan for 2014, write it point by point, so I’m finalizing 2013 with this.
Day 6 was all about me and the city! I packed some of my prize in this big case and did my check out in the hotel – I will miss you dear Four Season hotel!
Something didn’t have enough space to fit in, so this will arrive to me later
Final photo in the hotel – a…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 30 Dec.

I guess that 2013 was very successful for you! Wish you good luck and all the best in 2014!

Iryna avatar
Iryna 1 Jan.

Very interesting history :)

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Geneva trip review - DAY 5

Hello dear all! I hope you all had wonderful Christmas!I’ve had a small party with close friends, mulled wine, tangerines, Christmas lights everywhere, it was very lovely!!
I saw big progress with Christmas contest, ladies, you all are great! Working during Christmas it’s very hard, and I understand it better than everyone
Now it’s time to continue my story so today I’ll share with you some insights on what was happening in Geneva on my Day 5 – big filming day!
We had to finish some small things…
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mag avatar
mag 27 Dec.

Atashi wonderfull actress !!

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you Mag, we were trying to do our best! Have you ever done any videos yourself?

sonjatrader avatar

Veyr nice video Atashi Dukascopy TV amazing.Any other nice day at Geneva.Happy 2014!! xoxo

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 30 Dec.

Didn't know all those details. Nice!

hclchh avatar
hclchh 16 July


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