
タグ・フィルター:  Miss Dukascopy 2014 Task 21

Interview with my friend in Skype

This is my video task with my best friend - Kamila.
We are doing it by Skype because I haven't seen her in a very long time
Because she is constantly travelling from one country to another. I can't catch her. And only sometimes I catch her in Skype
So at least here we can talk.
-Hey. How are you?
-I'm great. How about you?Where are you right now?
-I'm in Turkey, in Istanbul.
-Wow, in Istanbul.That's where you have been already for almost a year?
-Yeah, I got stuck here. A whole year
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年11月11日

Да здравствует интернациональная дружба! :)

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 2014年11月11日

))) И все благодаря скайп)) и Дукаскопи чату)

fxsurprise8 avatar
fxsurprise8 2014年11月13日

hook me up :)

Viktoria3 avatar
Viktoria3 2014年11月13日

настоящую дружбу не преодолеют никакие преграды!

Vera_z avatar
Vera_z 2014年11月30日

Ооооо как мило))))Оля, привет ей передавай!!


Special interview

This is a special interview with myself haha! it's very old i was very nervous and i was stuttering a lot.
this is a interview maked in the Philippines When i was there volunteering in the worst district in the Philippines it called: Smokey mountain!
On the video you can see how bad my english was hahah! it was 2 years ago!
The interview is about my first reaction of the place! And what i was seeing and smelling . It was really hard to see the people there don't getting older than 40 years old.
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nessa avatar
nessa 2014年10月06日

Your are so inspiration full!



Hi everyone!!!
Yesterday I had a very nice and productive Sunday as met my friends who just came back from Honey moon
So as Dukascopy Contest is already became part of my life I didn't miss a chance to make interview with happy wife in order to get some smart tips about wedding organization and share this information with you guys)))))
Unfortunately this interview in Russian language as my friend doesn't speak English. But of course for English speaking guys I will give a full summary in English
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月29日

Thanks a lot ! :) :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2014年09月29日

your welcome)))))))))))

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年09月30日

No, any troubles with wedding organization. But its troubles with finding fiance, LOL.


Interview regarding to Hotpot, Yumyum !

Waaaaaaaahhh !!!! See what I had last night!!?
I was having hotpot in my new place with three friends.
And I had an interview regarding to what hotpot is!
(Yes, even when I held an interview, it is related to food waaaaahh!!)
We, Chinese people love hotpot so much,
Since it does not require any cooking skills
We used to prepare a variety of food like meat, veggie, etc..
Just add in all food you like into the pot with soup that you favor
Once it boiled and cooked, fish it out and enjoy it
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carpe avatar
carpe 2014年09月25日

No matter what is Hotpot you are very funny in front of the camera! Nice to watching :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年09月26日

carpe haha .. thanks for saying that ! Have you tried hotpot before?

TelisHellano avatar
TelisHellano 2014年09月26日

you are good at being presenter))) I agree with Carpe, no idea what is hotpot but the video is really funny:)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年09月27日

TelisHellano thanks lol

KoBe avatar
KoBe 2014年09月28日

I also wanna have hotpot with you ..


Interview with little man!

How are you, friends?
I have made task 27 but with russian language. I have interview with my little son Andrew. He is 5 years old and on this video we speak about What is love? What does it is mean? How to be happy? What does man must do to make his woman happy?
His answers were different. For example- He has one little experience with his little girlfriend Margo. They were kissing while we were working with her mother.He think that is love.
He said that ,love it is mean that, man should…
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 2014年09月29日

прелестный такой!!

Experto avatar
Experto 2014年10月02日


ivanoviv1267 avatar
ivanoviv1267 2014年10月07日

Класс! Малый супер.. Мамуле респект.

MariamKa avatar
MariamKa 2014年10月14日

аха..Андрей мега психолог)))


Преображение: полезные советы

Мне захотелось взять интервью у своей знакомой, замечательного визажиста Анжелики. Ее работы впечатляют и вдохновляют многих на творчество, в том числе и меня.
Наша беседа получилась живой и легкой. Возможно, юмора в ней вы не найдете, (здесь только наши милые улыбки),но послушать нужно обязательно, вы узнаете несколько полезных советов . И, конечно же, мы очень старались вам понравиться)

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SkyGemini avatar
SkyGemini 2014年09月16日

мне понравилось, я правда не слушал, а только смотрел..))

AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 2014年09月16日

спасибо), у меня здесь очень голос смешной))

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月17日

Thank you ! :) :)

Shalomavahatikvah avatar
Shalomavahatikvah 2014年09月17日

I did not understand a word but is immensely pretty to look at and I love the language.


інтерв`ю с другом Сашком

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Interview Интервъю

Привет всем телезрителям ! Я взяла интервъю у своей подруги Юли.
Приятного просмотра!
Hello to all TV viewers! I took interview from my friend Yulya.
Pleasant viewing!
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月23日

Some neck exercises ! Thank you so much ! :)

Valeriia_Novikova avatar
Valeriia_Novikova 2014年08月26日

Ha-ha :-)))


Interview with the real Shaman! ;) Интервью с настоящей Шаманкой!

Hello,Hello,Hello! I hope you like my interviews!
I was invited in Show Transformation as a reporter, and took Interviews there.
Especially one from Shaman.
(you will see, there is also some videos from the show to make you feel and know what was happened there
The interview i took, there were woman I knew, she said she come here because seen that Im involved in this show Thats make me shy ))
This video and interviews in Russian, but I made a subtitles for you in English to understand it
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月10日

Looks like you enjoyed yourself ! :)

Gleb_Tokarev avatar
Gleb_Tokarev 2014年10月31日

Is that that interview witch I was interupted? Haha!

Gleb_Tokarev avatar
Gleb_Tokarev 2014年10月31日

I remember that!


Привет всем от Наташи

Хочу представить Вашему вниманию, интервью с моей подругой - будущим биологом!!!
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VikaChechenkova avatar
VikaChechenkova 2014年07月31日


Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月01日

Yellow suits you.

bharatholsa avatar
bharatholsa 2014年08月30日

nice ))

Ludda avatar
Ludda 2014年09月14日

биология это серьезно))

LDSs avatar
LDSs 2014年09月14日

Наташа молодец)))поступила))
