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Filtrado por etiquetas:  Miss Dukascopy 2014 Task 24

Save the Nature!

Hello dear friends!
I think everyone on the Planet does things which help to save the Nature!
We are all understand that there are a lot of ecological problems and needs.
Today we live and tomorrow will live our children. In my opinion, we all should think about our future.
I made a video about things which I do everytime to save the Nature. Just simple things can save a lot of woods, rivers, flowers, animals...
Every day we can do such things, which can help us to live longer and happier!…
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Go GREEN! Защитники Природы

My first acquaintance to defenders of the nature happened in the childhood when I took in library the book Judi Friedman about a rabbit to Jelly Jam, the defender of people and animals.
With its help I learned about environmental problems of a planet ways of their avoidance, and also prevention. It very impressed me and I tried to adhere to the principles of defenders of the nature.
1 . To throw out garbage only in ballot boxes. If nearby the ballot box isn't present, I wrap it in the newspaper …
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verindur avatar
verindur 28 Set


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Go green!!!!!

Hi Everyone)))))))))))
Green trends are becoming more and more popular nowdays. I'm sure that it happens because the situation with ecology and dirty environment is becoming worse and worse day by day. Science and new technologies are growing up very fast and unfortunately making huge influence on enviroment. People are going crazy to create new methods, waysand instruments to save the world's nature.
Of course I'm supporting eco trends and actually I can say that I'm a kind of organic person. I
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DominguezV avatar

Un Jardín muy bonito!

Stix avatar
Stix 15 Set

Thank you ! :) :)

Shalomavahatikvah avatar

I like to go green every once in a while.

Ange_Farouche avatar


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Greener life Gogogo !!

When it comes to practice about going green, I can say I must be the representative of living a green life. Don’t you believe it?
I have participated in an eco-product design contest in Hong Kong 3 years ago. The product we invented was a water saving functional tooth-brush called “Tersus” and my team were the 2nd runner up of the contest because of our creative and environmentally friendly concept
See the prize giving ceremony? The happy smile on our faces (That was 2011 ... OMG 3 years ago,
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Stix avatar
Stix 2 Set

Thank you ! :)

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Зберегти природу для здорового майбутнього

Створивши людину, Господь створив умови для її існування. Земля. вода, повітря супроводжують нас упродовж усього життя.Вони мають бути чистими для запобогання різноманітним хворобам. Людина ХХІ століття усвідотмлює, що лише натуральне сприяє її здоровому настрою, самопочуттю та надіям на майбутнє. І тут не обійтися без зелених насаждень. Дерева- це золоте надбання людства, його минулих та прийдешніх поколінь . Деревце, що змалку тягнеться до сонця, зі своїм розвитком наповнює повітря киснем, очи…
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Stix avatar
Stix 27 Ago

I feel as strong about nature. Too important. :) Thank you for the reminder.

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At school, in class 8, I was a volunteer.
"Do you support any of green trends?" - Yes, it should be. I follow it
I support "green movement".
Yes, and I try to buy organic cosmetics!
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Stix avatar
Stix 24 Ago

C02 levels is most important to me. :)

AnastasiaW1 avatar

Stix that`s good :-)

Stix avatar
Stix 26 Ago

I watched a video with statistics that we are reaching CO2 levels similar at the last Ice Age. I like my sunshine ! :)

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Go Green! 7 years of activism :)

Hello, Everybody! Peace!
This Task made me wonder!! really! because I made research of all things "green" things I did, and it took three days for me to go trough all archives, and put all together)) Some of photos and video get lost, but some are still in my computer.
But it was so heard to find)) I never though I would write a list of such things! I even never count them before.
So I wrote down just "green" things, other charity actions(helping children, disable people..and so on i didn't
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Stix avatar
Stix 23 Ago

Awesome ! :)

Alexana5 avatar

Stix Thank you! :) Im glad you seen it)
here I took over all my archives, three days i was about it, wondering how many things done))
But I didn't get that points how was said and written at the Task.
for one action or photo +10 points %)
I listed  40 actions. 28 Collage photos.  without collage its 101 images. Omg.
And 13 videos %).

Gleb_Tokarev avatar

Strong position! Respect!
P.S. and coockies

Gleb_Tokarev avatar

damn... - cookies((( not cookies

Gleb_Tokarev avatar


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I m so green, like grass

Hi everybody) I am architect and I try to do my projects enviroment frendly. I use everytime good windows, insulation an other material to prevent unnecessary heating of houses. Some years ago I design project of the waste processing plant. Also I print my projects to sides of paper or give it only on flash. I like to give second live for things. For example I can sew. Also I like to do some pictures with glass or plastic waste. I think sometime I be great designer and my works will cost big mon…
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Stix avatar
Stix 21 Ago

Greenpeace is excellent ! Nice. :)

annechka avatar
annechka 21 Ago

Thank you. I take a part of Arctic save programe. I hope it really help to ior planet

Stix avatar
Stix 21 Ago

I am sure it helps... Every bit of effort is accumulated. My view. :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dez

Good to know you are a member of Greenpeace :))...always wanted to be part of that team, but guess I will never be one

cerrah2014 avatar

Archıtecture ıs very ımportant

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Hello! Здравствуйте!
Очень хорошая и интересная тема! Думала над ней несколько дней.
Я с детства принимала участия в нашем городе по чистке города, но тогда я особо не задумывалась зачем я это делаю, конечно я понимала что город улица на которой мы убираемся станет чище, но не весь город... Сейчас мне очень больно видеть то как люди относятся к своей природе, к тому месту где живут. Лично для меня не понятны такие понятия, как выкинуть на улице мусор, как убить животное что бы поесть... Я сама о…
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Stix avatar
Stix 4 Ago

Such a beautiful planet we live on. Beauty in the smallest flower !

Alexana5 avatar

здорово! ) я тоже отказалась от мяса, а потом стала сама организовывать акции помощи бездомным животным и окружайщей среде. так здорово,что-то включается сразу. сопереживание к миру вокруг.

Stix avatar
Stix 4 Ago

I never ate meat. I was raised Vegetarian. In 2000, I became Vegan, so no milk, cheese or other dairy. Or eggs. That's why I don't eat meat. I LOVE the animals on the planet ! But I am not crying for the animals that are raised for food... In a way, that's nature. As long as they are handled with care. Protein is important and men, particularly, like meat. But it's an idea for the women to start to turn to no meat... There are really good other ways to eat protein. I adore Brazil Nuts ! And Cashew and Pistachio Nuts - both complete proteins and Pistachio is also good for the brain. :)

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Интересная тема для размышления. Раньше я не придовала этому никакого значения, но именно в последние годы стала задумаваться. Я не ношу шубы с мехом, никогда не выбрасаваю мусор на улице)) Не ем мясо .. у каждого человека свой выбор и мой таков. Я очень большой фанат всего натурального и органического. Раньше многие продукты не были доступны у нас в стране, но сейчас прям какой-то бум. Появились спецальные магазины, где можно купить разные полезеные продукты. Это меня радует, хотя цены в разы …
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Violetameynell avatar

spasibo :))

Stix avatar
Stix 4 Ago

My best vitamins are by FoodState... Worth a Google.

TelisHellano avatar

I can understand you, Violeta, our food quality is very important! We are what we are eating!

Violetameynell avatar

TelisHellano  i our coutry is hard to find good and quality food

TelisHellano avatar

I see. But this means that there is an empty space in the market for growing organic and good food quality stores. When people start for looking for that, time by time things will change. Our every day mentality and attitude is very important factor for everything:)))

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