Alexana5's Blog


Christmas Task

This is my story
For Christmas and New Year
For the special Task
I hope you like it!
This year was great. with it special up and downs.
Im glad I found this web site, it gives much to me.
I like challenges, people here,
Users, still have friends with all of them.
This year meas much to me.
and this story, you will feel it, it from the bottom of my heart
I this to write subtitles on it.
I will be glad to hear your feedback.
Wish you all the best
in new year
Let your dreams come t…
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Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Пусть этот год встретит тебя золотым руном, рогом изобилия и укроет Эгидой, чтобы ни одна беда не посмела коснуться!

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I found this list and share with you.
This is a great plan
Also today I got a great surpsire from my friend)
I get sick and today decide to stay at home for whole day.
At evening my friend call me and said: can you open the door?And look outside.
I opened my door and saw a bag with - box with Oranges! pack with Strawberries, carrot juice, milk chocolate and bottle of water!
OMG wow! that was very pleasant surprise!
Im glad i have friends like that!! Who care and don't let me f…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 5 Dec.

In Russian it is told : it is better have 100 friends than 100 rubles, but i think it is better to have few real friends than 100 fakes.

fxsurprise8 avatar

yeah well 100 rubles is like $2 USD so ofc I better have 100 friends. But 100,000 USD or 100 friends for example? That's where it gets tricky!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Dec.

fxsurprise8 , i understand you :) and only people from pasr Soviet Union could understand  that  very old Russian proverb from that times when ruble was strong and 100 rubles was quite good monthly salary :) i mean it have not direct meaning

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 6 Dec.

Hope Alexna you feel better

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Im on the way to decide and to choose one thing I want to do in my life.
Looking for business models and listening to advices adn experience some of my friends have.
Of course our economy situation jumping up and down, and Im not sure it could be staible next 5 years.
If you think so, please prove it And of course its depends in which country you leave.
By the way, maybe you can suggest me the most stable country with stable currency)
Okey, what else? Im thinking about Art proj…
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VictoriaVika avatar

Good luck with you goals, Alexana :) I also believe that person can achieve any goal soon or later, if there are strong wish :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 5 Dec.

VictoriaVika Thank you! I believe in it too! And I wish this days to come! :) 

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Best of luck, Al)

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Make for New Year Eve

This task made me try to film Tutorial I sometimes watched girls show on youtube )
Never did make up tutorials before, but that was interesting experience
I wanted to make over voice, but decide no to do it finally. )
Anyways I hope you like it.
Make up + Hair
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Nov.

Alexana, I wanted to say, that you are more beautiful with your natural beauty and enjoy it as long as you can :)

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 22 Nov.

I agree with you Ilonalt, Alexana does look better with her natural colour

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 22 Nov.

Jose? Really? I'm very exited that you agree with me :)

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 22 Nov.

ilonalt, I am also not against you either.

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 27 Nov.

Очень красиво, как раз скоро зимние праздники :))

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And isn't it ironic... don't you think?

Hello,Everybody !
After yesterday voting I was so confused, so I went out and take my time to enjoy "First Snow we had that evening".
I already seen girls wrote everything about it And we all knew.
Finally it doesn't matter how many hours you spend in community, content, themes for webinars, tasks etc))
Agree with VictoriaVika in her post, about investing energy, money.
The silliest thing I did for the contest, was my special return. I changed flight from Greece (where was very slow and jumpin
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verindur avatar
verindur 22 Nov.

All the Top 10 contestants were silent when a very strong contestant was kicked out of Top 10. Why cry foul now ? I am not anybody's fan here. And I understand the pain you are going thru. The same Question I ask to Victoria.
        You keep silence when something fishy is going on in front of your eyes for your own interest. And when something happens to you. You want the whole world to fight for you.
        Question yourself first ? Are you fair everywhere. I am sure you will find a lot of dust in your own backyard.

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 22 Nov.

Я думаю, что любой конкурс предопределяет победителя заранее и этот не исключение, но из всего надо брать хороший опыт и главное, что столько людей со всего мира вас узнали и поддерживали и видели в вас в первую очередь не только, красивую девушку, но и очень неординарного человека, с хорошим, мощным творческим потенциалом. Аlexana, всё ещё впереди, наступит праздник и на вашей улице, такие люди как вы просто так не появляются в нашем мире. Они всегда приносят с собой радость, красоту и любовь, а главное делятся этим со всеми! Желаю удачи!!!

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This Thursday, let’s make history.

I want to share with you some news!
I knew that Today is Special Day! Here in Dukascopy Community. Geneva Forex Event.
And another action for children rights, UNICEF organisation want to make input in history Just. WOW (for both, and both taking place in GENEVA!)
"On November 20th, let’s make history. ‪#‎IMAGINE‬ "
#IMAGINE is a UNICEF initiative uniting millions of people to raise awareness and funds for children’s rights globally.

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verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

A noble cause. So no jokes. But if you marry your hubby is going to be in trouble. He has to lend everything he has. ))))))))))))))

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Dukascopy's Anniversary 10 years!

In Task 38 was asked to show my outfit!
I will be honored to be present on Dukascopy's Birthday Party!

So for this celebration I prepared a little surprise!
And Why I choose this dress?
I decide to listen Coco Channel's advice that girls should have a small black dress to look classy.

I decide to wear this silk velvet dress with blue
crystals to look perfect

I hope you like my choice! for this Task.

And special greetings in the end of the video!
Have a great time!
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verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

There are 8 of them in top 10. )))))))))))))))) there were 7 earlier but one more joined yesterday. 

verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

I would die if I had to be a judge today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My best wishes to All of You. You are indeed very special people already : )))))))))))))))))))

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 20 Nov.

verindur  :D yes to be judge its the hardest position. Because you can change the destiny of the person.

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 20 Nov.

Alexana, are we going to see you back afterwards ????

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 22 Nov.

Желаю Удачи!!!

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5 things I can't live without in autumn

Ahh ) Autumn! Every season has a special things, and sometimes its becomes a little "tradition"))
Autumn for me is time to focus on self education.
5 Things I can't live without in Autumn.
1.Projects (its time to focus on planning and develop, all good starts came to me on this time!
2.Reading books (here I took 3 books I read : "Guide to Smile Yoga" - good book for keeping self harmony,
"Kafka on the beach" by Haruki Murakami. And "Healing by the color"
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verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

And One thing I can't live without - Your Smiles : ))))))))))))))))) Good choice of he Profile Photo !!!!!!!!!!!!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 22 Nov.

Чай с лимоном всегда полезно! :))

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HeelGuard - Driver shoe friend ))

Are you ever tried or heared about this interesting invention?
Called heelguard and sales in shoe shops
What is it? It made specially for drivers!
Maybe you noticed, that when you drive a car, your best, favorite shoes some time later has ...on it, and you should buy new.
) So this invention, made your favorite shoes stay longer in perfect look.
I like to find such interesting things )
If you know some more, please tell me.

I also found this web page (there also some interesti…
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verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

You are my Innovation Consultant. Women have this natural ability to find useful things. That's why I keep on hiding from them : )))))))))))))) And online - Nobody can do anything. You are in full control. You can disappear whenever you want to. Have a Nice Day !!!!!!!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 22 Nov.

Да, интересно. Сейчас есть много необычных вещей, которые удивляют:))

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Preparing for Christmas Charity Fair.

This Friday (21th of November) and Next Friday(28of November)
I am with a girls organising charity workshops!
What it will be?
This Friday :
We are going to made beautiful hand-made souvenirs for people, (flowers, cards, jewellerry, toys, e.t.c).

And Next Friday we are going to show and teach people how to create things they like. Showing it all in workshop.
Then we are taking part in Christmas Charity Fair and money we earn from sales will go to Orphan houses and other Founda
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verindur avatar
verindur 19 Nov.


JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 19 Nov.

Alexana, have you started you shopping spree????

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 19 Nov.

JvdS87908 no,I didn't ) still working on projects ;)) no shopping yet. Only thing I missed, its the present for my friend who had a Birthday yesterday ;( 

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 22 Nov.

Это очень хорошая идея помощи! Сделать красивую вещь своими руками зная, что ещё и помогаешь людям.

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