Teodora's Blog


Christmas Task

Hello everyone!
Here is my Christmas fairy tail!
I would really like for this fairy tail to happen.
Hope you enjoy it, and wish for you all to have your own Christmas miracle.
Thanks to my sister for being a part of this video.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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khalidamassi avatar


samme avatar
samme 13 Jan.

good going....... congrats

Teodora avatar
Teodora 13 Jan.

Thank you!!! :))) khalidamassi, samme

Furian avatar
Furian 14 Apr.

this was something!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dec.

Great work :)

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Water water wateeer

It wasn't so easy

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TradeTrading avatar

hahaha you did a very funny final mimic with your eyes!!!

Teodora avatar
Teodora 3 Nov.

Hahaha, my eyes showed what I think about this Task :D

TradeTrading avatar

:DDDDDD you have perfectly synthesized your thoughts!!!

Delic avatar
Delic 10 Dec.


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dec.

...but well done and good effort :))

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Make Me Miss Dukascopy 2014

Hello Community

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TradeTrading avatar

A part her outstanding look, Teodora is a person with an exceptional taste for fashion and beauty. She possess a competence and criteria in this branch that is far beyond the average. The creativity and the art she is able to express, always cause a deep impression in the public, becoming very often a real source of inspiration!

Teodora avatar
Teodora 1 Nov.

Ohhh :) Thank you for beautiful words :))))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dec.

The work will show in our passion for doing it.

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No Makeup Selfie

I really can't put makeup everyday, especially when I need to go early to University.
I hate the whole world in the morning, and makeup too
Hmm I really don't put lots of makeup daily.
First one, is a photo, taken at University. At the other, you can see one wonderful extra cute sweet baby boy and me.
That is my fav no makeup photo, but not just no makeup - I was completely tired that day, learning whole night, had exam and come to visit my friend's baby ... eeeeh eh
My eyes and hair are looking
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JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 31 Oct.

you are beautiful .....  even without makeup ........  :))))

TradeTrading avatar

So sweeeeetyyyyyyy !!!!!

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 31 Oct.

lovely pointy ears! I want to patted his hairless head :D

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dec.

Well, if any confort, I very much prefer the natural look with no or very little make-up

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Forget schedule, do something crazy.

Hmm... Working week could become interesting if you are a student.
Unfortunately, in my country, you must spent lots of time at University, it's not so different than high-school.
So, when I saw this task, last Monday, I were thinking about my schedule... At that day it wasn't so interesting, I have many obligations in this period, about my studies, my blog, Rotaract club, family and I must say, I don't do sports, after all I don't have energy for that...
That Monday were looking like just begin
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VictoriaVika avatar

Great title, haha, I love it! Cool :)

Teodora avatar
Teodora 30 Oct.

Thank you :))

VictoriaVika avatar

Teodora stunning look on the last one pic - this is the Class,

Delic avatar
Delic 31 Oct.


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Hello autumn

It's end of October, but we had long, long summer. Finally autumn started. I love all the warm colors which follow autumn as a contrast to the gray sky. For me, fall wears seriousness in every way and reminds me of the jobs that come after a leisurely summer. We're going back to school, university or work. We return to the obligations and serious wardrobe.
The following photos are my experience of the beginning of autumn, and these are associations ...
Books, which we like to remind ourselves w
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TradeTrading avatar

Very well written article and much than amazing photo!!!

Teodora avatar
Teodora 30 Oct.

Thank you! I enjoy making a story like this :))

TradeTrading avatar

and I enjoy when you share them :)

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Shine shine

Jewelry can perfectly fill your look and really change it.
My favourite piece is necklace, for sure.
This one, is ... so special for me. It's not a necklace for every day. I like to wear it with "little black dress", and look how it transform the whole look. And take a whole attention.

Here is my inspiration for this look, enjoy the song >
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JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 29 Oct.

a few years ago she went through some tough times in a personal life ........

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 29 Oct.

So is Celine Dion from Montreal Quebec, and she plays at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas US ....... 

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 29 Oct.

and Avril Lavigne, born in Belleville, Ontario

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 29 Oct.

see this list of Canadian singers  .........

Teodora avatar
Teodora 29 Oct.

Wow! Canada have so much good singers, I didn't notice that :)

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From Rome with fashion

Hello everyone! I just came back from my amazing autumn holiday
I wanted to visit some Europe city, than I choose Rome. And I made a great decision.
I will share with you some of my favourite photos from Rome, and in few days I will write bigger article about my impressions. I must say, that I really fell in love with this city. There are amazing places, on every step.
For someone who loves architecture and art, Rome is just a perfect city.
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TradeTrading avatar

Amazing photos! It seems you were also lucky with the weather! Tha's fantastic!! And as I see u were very fashion as always! :)

peachynicnic avatar


Teodora avatar
Teodora 26 Oct.

Thank you very much :)

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Behind every successful man there is ...

Hmm, hmmm...
I like topics like this, just because i think that there will be lots of different answers. That is why things become interesting.
First of all, there are some interesting quotes... Think about that.

But honestly, what do you think about your success? How is it coming?
For example... Me, I don't like to talk a lot about my plans. I'm working alone and do my best... I'm not really sure where I find a motivation, but motivation is with me always
And I don't think that we can gene
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TradeTrading avatar

I think woman is like nature, life itself, for a man. A not repressed woman, who is free to express herself, is as mysterious and incompressible as life is it for a man, since every woman bears in her, the same part of nature… So if a man conquests deeply the soul of a woman, he conquests life itself… Only in this case her support can be really magical for a man, because she would be able to favorite him, moving the part of “life” in her, he was able to connect to… This definitively is the most powerful kind of support a man can aspire to have… and is very beautiful too… :))

DominguezV avatar
DominguezV 15 Oct.


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How emotional I am

Oh, look what I've found
And here is... happiness, anger, envy, surprise, flirt and fear Teodora.
But, I really find me in mood #5 - flirt
Here are more photos in that mode, which is really me? What you think? (shy)

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TradeTrading avatar

Rich variety, and my favorite is the photo in the middle, in the second row below :PPPPP !!!

Stix avatar
Stix 15 Sep.

Thank you ! :) :)

DominguezV avatar
DominguezV 15 Oct.

me gusta la numero 5

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 16 Oct.

I like number 4.

Teodora avatar
Teodora 29 Oct.

Hehe, thanks! :)

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