gabythelady's Blog


What to do with my hair!

So i am in question with my self! WHAT TO DO WITH MY HAIR!
I love blond! i love white blond, but i think it will damage my hair...
I want to color my hair but i also don't want to damage my hair to much because my hair is already really damage because of the blond color.
But i really don't like the dark hair on myself but i think it's the best to do, also i am thinking about red.
what do you think? what will look nice??
And my outgrowth is really not nice! maybe i could do something like a dye?
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JvdS87908 avatar

hey ... this looks great and natural too ......

gabythelady avatar

JvdS87908 there my hair was blond, in like 1 week i have a outgrowth in my hair.

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 11 Dec.

rainbow color!

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5 things i can't live without in the autumn!

i am very tropical kind of person haha, so i have a lot more than 5 things that i neeeeed.
First of all a WARM WINTER JACKET!
A lot of trouwers! but i don't like them they make me look like a snow doll haha!
I need my apple pie thee flavor love it!
My Hatss,
MY BED! sometimes i am just with my bed the whole weekend haha!
My super thick socks!
My extra blankets !
My movies
Some snacks
My onesie
My hair fixer! because when it's getting cold i am having a lot of bad hair days!
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Sharing my sleeping thoughts ^^

So still awake, my sleeping rhythm is not so good anymore, i have this problem a long time when i was a child it started!
Sometimes it sticks for months and sometimes i have a good night sleep.
But probably it's just the way i live my life... because in the morning i have te feeling i can not functional right i hear thing but it will not get in me head, in the night times i have so many ideas and thing i want to do.
But i prefer that i am a morning people because the things are open in the morni…
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gabythelady avatar

Alexana5 ash! thank you for sharing :D have a nice cup of thee xxx hope you will get a sleep soon and start your day tomorrow fresh and healthy

JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 18 Nov.

Gaby, I sometime can't sleep over concern on something may go wrong or anxiety.
But not been able to go to sleep over an idea, is a little strange. I can think of two options, one is that you are concern that in the morning you will forget about the idea or scrap it. you can try to right down your thought and take a second look in the morning.
The second is that, there is some anxiety on other area of your life that you trying to avoid and you may be seeking the ideas will fix it .
I am not a psychologist.

verindur avatar
verindur 18 Nov.

Get away from mind games. I mean whatever makes your mind very active. Internet, phones etc. too many discussions or interaction with people. Get close to nature. Be with yourself. And tire yourself physically as much as you can easily. You will find a significant difference.

gabythelady avatar

JvdS87908  haay! hahah thankyouu. i have a sleeping problem for years, it's always something else. But with my idea's it's just in my head and it want to go out that's why haha. But like i said it's ok.
But it's sweet of you that you giving me those advice you are right!  No my ideas are not to avoid other things in my life hahaha i hope not , if i have idea's i working it out! to help people. Not about my own life! hihi. sending you some positieve energy <3

gabythelady avatar

verindur how you are saying that, get close to nature . really nice! i realy have to find a way to do that. i have tried meditation for a while really hard for me to sit still and don't thing about things . ones i did floating i don't know if you know that! but that is really awesome is the same as meditation!
if i had a garden and it would be nice weather outside i want to sleep outside in my hangmat!

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Fashion school portfolio HELP

Hello lovely dukascopy girls!
i have a question i hope you girls can help me out.
i have to make an portfolio to get in a Fashion school, they told me i can put everything in it! all creative things i have been doing/making.
Does somebody know some suggestions?? I will put a picture in it where i have maked my own dress for a wedding!
1 model pictures i likes the most.
I will put my rainbow cake in it, hahah i am proud of it, and i will put some drawings in it.
So my friend he needs a new table,…
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So , what kind of meaning is food for you?
Do you have an emotional with your food.
Be honest do you eat more healthy or junk food?
what is happening to you if you don't eat for 8 hours.
Or is it all in our mind ?:P
The reason for writhing these blog is because i get hungry at this time, and i don't like it! so i am making some ROSTI's that are like pattato round things haha google it.
But at the same time i don't want to eat it, but if i am not going to eat it i get grumpy hahah.
I always tryin…
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VictoriaVika avatar

Depend of my mood :) Today its can be MC Donalds, tomorrow - only fresh celery juice, LOL.

gabythelady avatar

hahaha!! i know what you mean! VictoriaVika

VictoriaVika avatar

gabythelady we are Women :) change our mind all the time :)

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Christmas Cards

I don't know for you guys but christmas is a time where you are with your familie in harmony celebrating the holidays and be loved by your loved ones.
For other people it's to honor Christus, And for others they are all alone and hating the christmasdays.
Unfortunately i also don't have those great familie days because i have not a lot familie here in Holland... but it's ok maybe that i will go for holiday to a warm country But the fact is that people are sending each other christmas cards to wi…
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Model reality program

So today i have some more exiting news ,
off course i don't no yet if they are going to choose me.
Yesterday i replied on a casting call for professional models for a tv program so cool! i really want to be a part of the show!
so today i got a Email that they think i would be the right candidate and they will show me to the client.
So fingers cross
I always have some great ideas for making a Tv program ! but it's difficult with tv formats and knowing people in the business also you have to make …
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Assistent producer

So I can tell with proud about my new function helping with a movie !! Called Lobi Singi
I saw a advertising with the question for a Producer, i have no experience in it but i thought why not trying? i love to organize and help people and stress I can work better with it haha. Also i am a perfectionist so i just emailed and tried.
They answered me with that because i have no experience i could be assistent producer!
SO i went for a talk meeting and i was joyed to see how beautiful positive they …
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How i make my MISSdukascopy video

So the task why should i be miss dukascopy with a video , is great! i was thinking my brain out how to make a good video!
So the video i make is all about attitude , the woman in myself, a real miss, how it could be and how miss dukascopy should be.
Also the inspiration behind the video is a real Miss thing!
I was making the video also for a Charity event ! i have produced and edit the movie by myself with help of a video maker he filmed everything.
I really have done my best for the video i h…
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Fashion school or english course

Haay lovely Dukascopy people !
So i am looking to go for a Nice fashion school or an english abroad course i want to tell you guys about it and maybe you can tell me what you should do!
So i really want to do scholing again and i would love to do fashion school because my interest are there! But in Holland you don't have a lot fashion schools, or it's Business commercial fashion industrie, or it's only design. But now there is a fashion academy particulier in Amsterdam and they are doing both! b…
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