

Recipe for a long-lasting marriage

Today I saw a video on BBC channel about the British couple which is still together for 80 years. They´re now 101 and 102 years old.
They were dating for four years and then getting married, couldn’t earlier, because mother of the woman wanted her older daughter to get married first. She also didn´t believe this relationship could last.
The couple raised together four children, however lost one son… They have seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Moreover, they ran common business.
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月28日

I am not sure all the men in this Community would agree with that. But a sweet place to start - if you are a woman. Laugh. :) Thank you for the story.

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月28日

haha I think that maybe no man in the world would agree with it :D man in the video said it when laughing and I also wrote it just as a joke (that's why I wrote smiles) :) :) I think tolerance is important from both parrners

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年08月31日



Princess of the light

Dear community,
today I´ve heart for the first time this song and I was so surprised when I found that it´s made in Slovakia! You probably guess why We do have some good singers, but not so many well-known singers, bands and songs..
,,Princess of the light", the song of slovak group Lavagance, has so beautiful melody and lyrics..
Video is special with dancing SĽUK - it´s Slovak folk group, typical for it´s costumes, dance group, folk music and choir.
It represents Slovak wedding of SĽUK dancer…
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Skripochka_M avatar
Skripochka_M 2014年08月26日

So sweet! I like it :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月28日

Skripochka_M me too, it´s so cute :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年08月31日

Its nice


Let me introduce myself :)

My name is Lucy (in Slovak originally Lucia, friends call me Lucka )
I am from Slovakia, I love this country with so beautiful nature. I grew up in a village, however for 5 years I am living in a town. One day I would like to raise my children again at some peaceful place with a big garden, fruit trees, flowers and so
I have two brothers, one of them has a daughter, so I am actually aunt of an 8-year-old wonderful girl
I don´t find my life as any special. I experienced a lot of nice, as well as
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lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月30日

this at the end touched me: ,,What we do know is that, as the chemical window closed, another awakening took place; that the human spirit is more powerful than any drug - and THAT is what needs to be nourished: with work, play, friendship, family. THESE are the things that matter. This is what we'd forgotten - the simplest things."

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 2014年08月31日

Sweet girl

taxi_driver avatar
taxi_driver 2014年09月01日

no problem and thanks you for your tip "Harry Potter 2" I will look when i have time :p ;))

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年09月01日

haha, I love you, too taxi_driver ;))

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年09月01日

you should see The Fisher King :)


Some useful Slovak phrases :)

インターネットからコピーされています lucy 更新日: 2014年08月24日  in #Miss Dukascopy 2014
Although Slovak language is not so popular, maybe you will like some useful Slovak phrases
If you want to know more, feel free to ask
Hello - Ahoj
Welcome - Vitaj / Vitajte
Thank you - Ďakujem
Please - Prosím
Sorry - [b]Prepáč[/b]
Excuse me - Prepáčte
Good morning - Dobré ráno
Good evening - Dobrý večer
Have a nice day - Pekný deň
Good luck - Veľa šťastia
What´s your name? - Ako sa voláš?
How are you? - Ako sa máš?
How old are you? - Koľko máš rokov?
Where are you from? - Odkiaľ s
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lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月24日

sounds cute :))

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月26日

Laugh ! All these expressions are cute if you like the person saying it to you. Otherwise, it can be a frightening concept. My view. :) :)

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2014年08月26日

Stix  I even cant repeat what you wrote :)))) I was try couple times )))) Laugh )))

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月26日

I live in this country, VictoriaVika.  If I talk Afrikaans to an Afrikaaner, they usually laugh at me too. I struggle with the hard accent my whole life. So don't feel bad ! The joke is mutual ! :) :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月26日

Stix , sure, you´re right, it´s nice only when you like the person :)))


Denim Fashion Week

As I am not a denim designer, I would like to present you my favourite denim collection - flower jeans, dark blue jeans, black jeans, jean jacket, shirts and shorts
I hope you will like it
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月24日

I like black jeans, a lot. :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月24日

:) I prefer wearing skirts :)


Success is...

Sometimes we compare us with others who we think that they are more successful, more healthy, more beautiful, have better relationships, greater figure, better-paid jobs... or we sometimes meet someone who seems to be looking on us from high and we can think, that even if we are trying, we will never get what we want to and be satisfied with what we have.
I like this picture, it is very inspirational for me. It says, that success, as well as happiness or health, is not always what you see...
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月23日

I believe that a person should do the best they can do. That's good enough. :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月23日

exactly :)

taxi_driver avatar
taxi_driver 2014年08月25日

People are individuals and everyone's way of life it's different. All things and everything needs time to develop. Don't look around and don't compare yourself with others. Everything that has happened in your life has a reason, believe me. The problem is, we live in a fast world and we want to know the reason right away, we are impatient. Usually you realize only later why some things happen in your life. The life is like a wave with up and downs and all things has a reason, with the time one is added to the other. Be patient and trust in yourself, you can't force anything. ;))

CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 2014年08月28日

excellent :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月28日

thank you very much CriticalSection :-)



Last few days I spent with my friends in Croatia.. it was just a short trip, but so beautiful .
We were in Umag, the city which is located on the west coast of Istria, only 10 km from Slovenia border and 7 hours from Bratislava by car. I never heard about that city before and didn´t expect that it could be so beautiful as it was.
The small beautiful town full of lights, smells and colors, romantic sunsets, live music, beautiful sea, streets like in Italy, evening walks, swimming even in a bad …
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月23日

Life is always beautiful, a blessing and a joy even if you are sitting in the rubbish dump. Nature does a lot to remind us. My view. The picture is stunning ! :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月23日

thank you for your comment, Stix . When you´re happy, it doesn´t matter where you are and what you have, it depends more on your attitude. Life is beautiful, even when it is sometimes diffucult.
thank you for the picture :)


Salty sticks to Croatia :)

Tommorow I am going to Croatia for a short 5 day holiday with my 4 friends I hope that the weather will be good (better as here now) and we will have some fun an rest. Actually, I just finished baking these salty sticks to take with us, so I am adding you recipe, it is very simple to do and tasty and from my experience I can say that mostly men love it
I wish you very nice days and I hope that when I come, I will finally have more time to write some blog and fill some tasks
Salty stick
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My Top 5 Apps

Before a year, I had old Nokia phone, of course without any apps and I was saying to everyone with smartphone that I do not need it, actually, I was proud of it! However, things have changed after I bought a new phone and get to know some usuful apps. No, I am not the type of person who is still looking into smart phone even when being with friends, in restaurant or bus, but now I know that here are some usuful applications which can easier my life, motivate me or by which I can learn or save …
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月13日

I have a Nokia 2700. Everyone asks me to upgrade but I am too frightened of Whatsapp... It might kill me - death by telephone. Laugh. :)

taxi_driver avatar
taxi_driver 2014年08月13日

I have Nokia 8850, the people look at me like I was from the moon ;)

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月13日

Isn't it funny... I have conversations like, "No, your phone must have Whatsapp. Check. It must. Really it must...". I spend my life apologizing profusely. :)


R.I.P. Robin

We know that lots of famous people suffer from mental disorders... and mental disorders are so commonly linked with talent and geniality... This was also the case of Robin WIlliams - beloved actor for many people, however, vulnerable as well as the others.
I didn´t know about it, until today´s morning... I was shocked. It lasted me a few hours to realize that it´s really true and he will not play in any film anymore. I still wonder not why he suffered from depression, but why he could not find t…
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Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月13日

Very sad... Diet is so important. :)

lucy avatar
lucy 2014年08月13日

What do you mean that diet is so important, Stix?

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年08月13日

If one is depressed, then one must eat specific foods. It's vital. :)
