Блог MihaelaMiha


Beautiful nature

Around us are so many beautiful places.In the last year i start to enjoy the nature more.There is so very much beauty all around us to see.Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have.The beauties of nature are the greatest gift of God for us.How lucky we are that we have such a beautiful world.So many amazing places i want to visit and many things i want to see.
I want to show you Catatumbo lightning,firestorm,tubular clouds,Braynikl (finger of death).
I was amazed when i saw this and i definitel…
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Tattoos: Hot or Not?

Tattoos are like stories-they're symbolic of the important moments in your life.For me the tattoos are great form of self expression.I think it is hot if it is done professionally and if it's not something bad.Before you want to do a tattoo or a piercing you must to think very well because when you get older your feelings(mind)are changing and you can regret. A dream career could be taken away because the profession doesn’t accept such an appearance.The key to having no regrets about tattoo is t…
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Golda avatar
Golda 16 Апр.

солидарность с подружкой)))

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 16 Апр.

да-да)люблю ее очень сильно )

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What do you think about love?
I think that love is the most important thing in our lives.It's awonderful feeling when you are loved and even more wonderful feeling when you are in love.Love is are beautiful feeling that makes you happy.One of the worse thing that can happen is losing someone you love.We are nothing without this wonderful feeling.When there is nothing left to believe in ,love will help you to rise."LOVE" is the greatest gift we can ever give or receive.
Do you agree with me?If yo…
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diamondlife76 avatar
diamondlife76 9 Апр.

любить и быть любимой это замечательно, ради любви стоит жить.

Golda avatar
Golda 9 Апр.

Любовь или есть между двумя людьми либо нет,ее нужно беречь, суметь сохранить!

diamondlife76 avatar
diamondlife76 9 Апр.

есть куча способов как это сделать, например уделять своему любимому много внимания если он это любит, я например всегда находила свободную минутку поговорить с любимым, сказать ему ещё один комплимент

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 9 Апр.

согласно с вами!надо еще оберегать и ценить!

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My City

My city is Chisinau(Moldova).
My city is considered to be one of the greenest cities in Europe. There are many parks in the city and the trees grow on almost every street(this is what i like the most). In my city are many beautiful places to see (monuments,museums,parks).We have a lot of entertainment places like concert halls,art galleries,cinema,theater,lots of restaurants,bars,casinos,nightclubs and many others. My city is very small and in one day you can visit many places.The best part tha…
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Golda avatar
Golda 8 Апр.

Очень красиво на фото!!!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 8 Апр.

рада что понравилось)

Janake avatar
Janake 8 Апр.

Wine day holiday ? Really !? That's amazing !

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 8 Апр.

Yes ) Is a wonderful holiday here:>

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Finnally my post!
Peonies and Ranunculus are my favourite flowers:x
You can see what flowers i love bellow in my post)
What flowers do you like ?I Want to know more about you :*
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Golda avatar
Golda 7 Апр.

очень мило!светло!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 7 Апр.

спасибо,а твои какие любимые цветы?

Golda avatar
Golda 7 Апр.

у меня раньше дома всегда росли пионы и розы,очень нравится их аромат! От мужчин предпочитаю розы!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 7 Апр.

красивые цветы любишь!

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Peonies and Ranunculus are my favourite flowers
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MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 7 Апр.

я не могу писати не один пост по4ему так? не знаете девочки? Help me please

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 7 Апр.

Alexana5  and how did you resolve it ? help me please

jezz avatar
jezz 7 Апр.

No worries. It happens. Edit the post later to add pictures

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 7 Апр.

done! everything is ok now)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 7 Апр.

MihaelaMiha  :\ I wrote this post again, tried to remember exact words I wrote first time, but, wrote it again.

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My town

Do you love your town?
I love my native town(Moldova).In spite of its old age it is verybeautifulwith a fascinating history, culture and people. Its lush green hills,
dense forests, and the wonderful sunflower fields are a treat to the eye. The
land is very fertile, and vineyards occupy a major part of the region..The most
beautiful place is the center but of course are other nice places.If I were a
guide,Id begin with the so -called Gates of the city.The capital of Moldova is
considered to be o…
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Golda avatar
Golda 6 Апр.

Виноградниками знала,что Молдавия славится!А теперь еще больше узнала)

Convallium avatar
Convallium 6 Апр.

красивый город!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 6 Апр.

рада что понравилось девчонки)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 6 Апр.

Красиво не то слово))

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Good night

I was today very busy! Finally I am home and before I am going to my bed wanted to say Good Night! Sleep well!
Tomorrow is a new beginning and wish you a wonderfull day!
A nice song for you :*kisses
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Golda avatar
Golda 5 Апр.

Спасибо за песню!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 5 Апр.

незачто :*

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Hy, my darlings!
My today post is about beaty.I like to change often the way I look.Every day I am trying to change my hairstyle beacause i like to feel different.I want to show some nice tips for you.Maybe you will like it and u'll use it.
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Golda avatar
Golda 5 Апр.

нужно попробовать!

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 5 Апр.

рада что понравилось)

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Top 5 delights

When i think about what makes me happy there are so many things to say, but to not flood you with too much text, I'll write down just 5 of them:
1. First of all, people around me are making me happy. My Family and friends - they make me smile whem I'm sad, encourage me when I need it. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. All of them have helped me get through stuff that I thought was impossible. I love them a lot.
2. Drawing. I've been drawing since I was little. It had always been making…
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 4 Апр.

Очень классно) Ты умничка)

MihaelaMiha avatar
MihaelaMiha 4 Апр.

Спасибо дорогая)

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