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Filtrar por etiquetas:  Miss Dukascopy 2015 May: Task 2

Relax, take it easy

I have a few words to you and useful suggestions.
So what to do when we feel so much stress? How to learn to relax?

Some people are so much stressed, that even can't relax themselves.
After hard work we are still in a stress.
So here is my ways how I deal with stress and find relaxation in everyday life.
I gave suggestions about 9 ways I use -how to deal with stress.

First- What can makes you relax.
1. tea (green tea, flower tea, fruit tea, ment tea) take a bath with las…
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Relax, take it easy

...Though it's strange to ask how to relax someone who has white eyelashes caused by stress
1. Imagine you are near the river.
2. There is a fresh mountain air, you are listening to the birds' signing.
3. Nobody knows this secret place except you.
4. The water is transparent more than tears of the baby.
5. You can easily see the face of the person whom you are keeping under the water.

The most useful thing for me is massage, but I don't have all the time someone to make it for me (unfo…
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Shadowcat avatar

Berkeley , we have many things in common ;)

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Relax, take it easy

попросить улыбнуться рядом стоящего человека и улыбка на вашем лице появится мгновенно)
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Relax, take it easy

I think that the best way to relax and make your thoughts go in a right way is a trip by car. Then i feel crazy from my work or everything go wrong, i take my car and drive faraway from noise of the city, from annoying people. Fast speed, loud music make my mood go up! Also i have a favourite its at the old city beach. Nobody is around. Calm sound of waves. Mmm... I love it
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Relax, take it easy

у меня все просто. хочешь расслабиться? танцуй!
я - часть самой крепкой в мире танцевальной семьи)
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Relax, take it easy

Тяжелый день, трудовые будни...
Для каждого способ расслабления свой, я же, в свою очередь, хочу поделиться своим методом! Он довольно прост, я :
1. смотрю мультфильмы Disney
2. слушаю музыку
3. пою или сочиняю песни
4. читаю любовные романы
5. а иногда уж совсем креатив....
Отдых в парке после работы
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Relax, take it easy

Good evening, dear Сommunity!
After an exhausting day, and then after a busy week, I feel like the following expression is the most appropriate one:
"Going out on a Friday night out of the house, just in case take with you your passport".
If we develop this idea further, we can see how this common expression starts making sense: "If you are in a bad mood, and you think that you are sick... apply on the forehead a plane ticket". I support this method on 1000%.
I also consider myself very lucky to…
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YuliyaNaumova avatar


Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

Спасибо, Yuliya)

Milian avatar
Milian 29 May

круто как))

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Relax, take it easy

Hello dear Community!
Unfortunately, I often faced problems or unpleasant situations that are very upset me. However, I have a lot of different ways to overcome this - listening to music, dancing, drinking coffee, aromatic bathing, etc. Among other ways to relieve stress and calm down are going to sleep, dreaming about your my holidays at the sea in warm countries or new journeys.
Recently, my dog became the best way to forget about my problems. His name is Jack. I love to play with him and he …
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Wovch avatar
Wovch 25 May

не представляю свою жизнь без собаки

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

у тебя большой собака?

Mariia avatar
Mariia 25 May

Я планирую завести щеночка в скором времени!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

большого или маленького?

Aviator avatar
Aviator 24 Sep

Хороший собака

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Relax, take it easy

When I do not have the energy and the mood I find rest in the arts. Often I go out into the fresh air and paint. I draw with paints, crayons, markers, it does not matter with what. The main thing is that on paper you can represent your mood. And very often, when the mood is bad - you choose dark colors, but when it’s good-bright. Even in psychology, there is such a thing as art therapy. So when I need relaxation - I draw!

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Mariia avatar
Mariia 2 Jul

пошли вместе )))))

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 2 Jul

Хорошо) Идем собираться?)

Mariia avatar
Mariia 2 Jul

si mi hermanita)

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 2 Jul

Nos vemos)
Dame el papel ;)

Mariia avatar
Mariia 2 Jul

Grande Besitos )))))

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Relax, take it easy

What do you want to be HAPPY? Want you too much? Or you want to see the bright sun in the sky and than you will be happy, don't you?
After a long, long work and busy day I need to take some rest and to compose my mind again.
What do I do to relax and raise my spirit? Do you want to know? You will be impessed
I must to say, that every day is special, that's why we need different type of rest for different life's situation.
I resistancing to stress, but...bu…
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Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 18 May

Want you too much лол

fxsurprise8 avatar

Nice shoes and dress :)

Hate the cat though :(

Eumelus avatar
Eumelus 21 May

Nice, you reminded me this song:

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