

Fashion for dogs. Made in Taiwan.

Happy Monday Community!
How are you doing? Hope you are fine)))
You know fashion is a bit crazy nowadays. I become sure about this day by day. I bump into interesting information this morning and would like to hear your opinion!!!!
In Taiwan they launch new fashion for dogs haircut! Now the square or round shapes are in trend! OMG!!!! Guys, probably I am too old fashioned but, believe me, I would never do in my life such a style for my dog!)))) For me it is a bit too much! At least now I underst
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

ahahahahah such a crzay people ! i guess they also eat them!! loool

WallStreet6 avatar

the square head dog looks terrible

Joe_Vulcan avatar
Joe_Vulcan 18 10月

Waw! what a sense of fashion.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

Well, if that doggy likes it, then it's okay I supposed!


Минута лирики...........

Привет еще раз друзья!
У меня очень лирическое настроение и я хочу поделится им в виде моего самого любимого стихотворения!

Перегорело. Уже не больно.
Сижу напрротив, смеюсь, шучу...
- Как жизнь?
- Нормально
- И я довольна
- Давай за встречу?
- Давай чуть -чуть...
- Ты замуж вышла?
- Ну да, а что?..
- Да, ну, кончено. Что за вопрос. А помнишь?..
- Помню...
- Я тоже помню...
- Ну вот и ладно. Давай без слез.
- Ты стала жесткой.
- Прошло три года.
- Не так уж много.
- И это срок...
- Сегодня жарк…
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poe3 avatar
poe3 24 4月

agree Минута лирики

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

The English translation is muddled up....but I am sure it is a very nice poem....something to do with having an affair with a married man?


I Love My Job

Happy Friday Community!
This amazing sunny afternoon I decided to show off my work a bit
Few weeks ago I had a very interesting movie shoots for the short movie which will go for the next International short movie festival. And today I got a small piece of this movie but, of course, it is not the final cut yet. Anyway I would like to show you what I am doing in life.
By the way we were working on this few minutes piece almost 4 hours.
You know the work of actress and model is hard one BUT I love
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CriticalSection avatar

beautiful screen presence and a convincing performance... I also got to see your first video (in the green skirt) again - still one of my favourite.. keep up the good work J

pipx avatar
pipx 27 4月

Wow, your job is awesome

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 4月

Thank you my dear friends)))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

amazing ! :) keep going! soon holywood!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

Yes, iIf you don't like your work, then it's a job.


Keep Your Secret

Hello Community!
How is your Friday going?
Today I want to tell you why is so important not to talk about your personal goals a lot. Have you noticed that, in fact, 95% percents of your personal goals never come true as soon as you start to talk about it with friends? I am sure you did. Why it happens? When you are on the way to get your goal you feel yourself very exited and ready to do everything to get it. As soon as you you start to talk a lot about this topic you simply loosing your energy
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CriticalSection avatar

There's evidence supporting your thoughts Julia, especially about the energy loss from people around us but also negative attitudes, naysaying & discouragement. It's important to share aspirations with supportive and understanding people who want to see us do well - who want to encourage us - who give us constructive but well-meaning criticism in a positive light. In the past I've experienced some of what you describe above but these days everyone around me is highly aspirational & goal oriented. I wish you well and am here if you ever need to share - your success is my pleasure :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 4月

The same is here CriticalSection and thank you a lot!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月
kyle fox needs to shut the fuck up. kyle fox needs to shut the fuck up.

oh yeah !! when you are close to sign the deal !!! shut the fuck up ahahhaha !!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 4月

exactly maximemc8

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

Yes, it's a psychological effect...the more we talk about it, our brain begins to think the plan has been accomplished and soon loss interest.


Trends which are out of fashion this season.

Hello Community!
Thanks God that spring is already here and we are getting ready to the beach season and bright summer outfits! Thats the reason to make revision in your wardrobe and remove all things which are not in fashion any more out of there! So let's start from the top
  • No artificial floral band anymore!
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 23 4月

и эспадрильи еще…

DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 24 4月

Olga18375, точно! они уже надоели! каждый 5-й  в них

DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 24 4月

я еще не готова попрощаться с обручем с цветами, я его всего раз надела (хотя чувствую, что и это был первый и последний рах)))) как-то до нашей страны пока мода дойдет, уже не актуальна большая часть вещей. как раз чистить гардероб буду на выходных. Если меня не будет в понедельник - меня либо моль съела, либо (первой нет) привалило вещами насмерть)))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 24 4月

DanaJulia ахахаха!!!!!! Я тебе желаю удачи!!!! У меня где -то такие же планы)))))

verindur avatar
verindur 25 4月

Men are fooled by Beauties. And the Beauties are fooled by fashion And both things are important for the Business to run successfully.


What About Some Experiments in Sport??:)

Hey guys
Lets talk about sport a bit
I am sure everyone is seek to be fit and do sport 3 times per week minimum! But what kind of sport do you prefer? Cardio, weights or both? Whatever you choose, all good as it is sport. But what about some experiments in your daily workouts? What kind of person are you? That who always does the same types of workouts and never change or that who loves to try something new and make experiments? I belong to the second type. I am to active to do the same each and
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 24 4月

your welcome!! let's support our blogeuse !! she deserve to win this contest!!

verindur avatar
verindur 24 4月

maximemc8, Every Girl who wins here is my best friend. But I don't understand why they leave/dump me after winning :))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 24 4月

Bad girls!!! I am not like them verindur))))))

verindur avatar
verindur 24 4月

Julia : )))))))))  You have a great sense of humour.

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

ahahah :) verindur they all detroy your message box untill they have result of contest ahahah but JuliaBF is not doing that...;


The Story of Bottled Water

Hello Community!
How is your Wednesday going? I hope all good
Today I found an interesting information and really want to discuss it with you.
Everybody knows that water is life! Every person should drink 1,5 liters per day minimum in order to stay healthy and well hydrated. I believe that the most of Earth's population is doing this way. Therefore I have a question to you, which water do you prefer? Tap or bottled? If bottled, which brand than? For example, I am drinking Evian, Vittel or Aqua P
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 23 4月

We are sometimes very far away from the reality....

verindur avatar
verindur 24 4月

At home No problem. RO installed. Outside yes. )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 12月

Plastic bottles/bags/wraps/etc should be banned completely.


Amazing Japanese Mask For Face

Hey Ladies!
This blog is for you
Today I have a mood for beauty stuff. I did my 1,5 workout than body wrapping and than some facial treatments. I love to try from time to time some old beauty recipes and today I did a Japanese mask made of rice.
In fact, it is the ancient recipe which helped Japanese women to keep an amazing white well hydrated skin and reduce signs of age.
So, how to do:
Boil two -three spoon of white rice in a small amount of water. It should look a bit thick and soft. Keep th
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 22 4月

looks discusting but might work well i am sure, Asian people are the one and oly community that you can't guess their age!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 22 4月

maximemc8 you don't understand anything in beauty industry)))))) lol

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 22 4月

ahaha i dont post any pictures of me because im too ugly :(((((

verindur avatar
verindur 25 4月

Easy Recipe. )) Good point to start a conversation with a stranger maximemc8. Any tips can be useful. ))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

with a stranger? i thought we were a bit closer than that ! lol


What Our Feet Can Tell About Us??

Good Evening Community!
Do you remember I told you what the shape of our hands can tell about our character? So, now it is time to talk about our feet)))
The shape of our feet can tell about the character of the person a lot as well!

So lets discover that together))
1. Square foot.
  • people with analytical nature
  • they control themselves a lot
  • not impulsive
  • they have solid logic
  • they never do spontaneous actions
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 22 4月

это все комплексы) причудесная форма ножки)

anna_t avatar
anna_t 22 4月

когда одеваешь обувь на каблуке, то второй палец еще больше выезжает вперед и мне это не нравиться(

verindur avatar
verindur 25 4月

My foot. ))))) Not Square,Greek,Roman or Egyptian. Its Mine. Ok. ))))) See the amount of conspiracies creeping in our lives.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 4月

ahahah verindur)))) You are unique!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

you have duck foot verindur??? ahahaha


Got a secret. Can you keep it?

Hey Community!
I want to tell you a secret how to keep a secret!! There is no way to do it!! LOL
Let's be honest with each other )))
From my experience I didn't meet a lot of situations in my life when people could keep a secret unless it was like "the meter of life" and even in this case One is hardly can keep silence. It is a human nature. And the most interesting point here that in this question girls and
men are totally the same! LOL
If to be honest I am trying not to talk too much about my
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 22 4月

nice song BTW!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 22 4月

Thanks))))))) BTW not only girls))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 23 4月

most of the gossip are coming from your girls com on! lol

verindur avatar
verindur 24 4月

When you can't keep a secret in your own Wallet then you can expect me to spend your money first : )))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 4月

:))) good one!
