Annuuta's Blog


Feminine charms

Hi! Thinking about the conquest of hearts, I knew that there was no clear plan, improvisation is always more important, and our charm then chief assistant. Still, I have a set of rules that act is absolutely always. Interesting? So the first: "meet on clothes," the first impression leaves your imprint. So, he wears a loose shirt and shorts - then dress freely, but do focus on the hair. He is dressed in suits and shiny shoes - in this case, you will suit a cocktail dress. The clothes are expresse…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

Yes...okkkkk :))

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1000 USD Task

Above this task I had to think, the word "jackpot" - heart begins to beats faster, because it is easy money - to spend quickly and without residue. But, how to spend it? Well, I have a little dream - I want to do an internship in Spain, in one of the veterinary clinics. This is a great practice for beginners veterinarians helps to learn new methods of procedures and exchange their experiences, learning treatment of sea mammals. In the meantime, enjoy the sea views So - I would have spent $ 1,0
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fxsurprise8 avatar

sooo cute <3

fxsurprise8 avatar

both sisters are in love with Spain. What happened out there?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

Really not sure what you on about, but okay

Alla1 avatar
Alla1 19 Jan.

Нехай мрії здійснюються! бажаю тобі щастя, радості і щоб на все вистачало!

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Ink drawing

Hi everyone! How are you? Today I tried to draw ink. This new direction in painting for me. To my surprise, it turned out that a lot easier to draw ink than paint. For those who want to learn to draw - this is one of the best choices (just after the pencil))). But, as in any new beginning, there were also their secrets. For example: it is important to use a heavy paper, and if you want to make a thin line - use the stylus. I spent a lot of paper, until I realized how much water should be used to…
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Alla1 avatar
Alla1 19 Jan.

просто прекрасна

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Wet Girl

Hello all! Be careful!!! Do not get on the way of girls with guns!!! My sister and I have prepared for you video and wet our t-shirts, as requested in the task…I hope this video will give you a good mood !
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Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 19 July

Ah....what a problem(((I am going check what is wrong(

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 19 July

I hope it is all ok now fxsurprise8 ?????Could you see my video?

fxsurprise8 avatar

Annuuta yes :)

fxsurprise8 avatar

Annuuta God bless you for making this video :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

A message "This video does not exist" :p...

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The creatures with ability of bioluminescence

Our world is full of beautiful creatures. With some of them we see every day, as dogs, horses, birds, etc. But some creatures are hidden from prying eyes, they are aloof and mysterious life. Today will tell you about the creatures whom nature has given to the ability of bioluminescence (this property of living organisms glow, it is based on chemical processes - the liberated energy is released in form of light). For example - fireflies, these beetles use their "flashlights" for communication if …
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

медуз я помню )))

iiivb avatar
iiivb 18 July


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Catch your muse

Everyone has imagination, millions of thoughts rushing to our heads every day, sometimes we do not have time for them, and sometimes - they are so strong that we feel inspired. When we are inspired, you want stay such all time, but unfortunately this is not possible, so people try to memorializing this sense, at least a small part of it ( for it is always be close). Everyone is doing it as best they can. Someone wrote the lyrics and melody, some draws, and someone writes poetry, etc .. You've no…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 16 July

протестует как может)))

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

но еще чуть-чуть пусть потерпит))

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

хотя..может довольно? А время отправляться в путь?)))

Jack_fx2015 avatar

есть рецепт как поймать музу? )

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

Думаю, что он у каждого свой) Но думаю, что многим подойдет - хорошая компания +путешествия)))

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Way for graduation

I want to share with you my great joy) And at the same time a little proud) I am now a certified doctor) A bit of history: in the Soviet Union to the women doctors are not treated seriously, even when they are clearly skilled, in the past they could work as a nurse, but heavy procedure they did not trust. "A woman should take care of the family", "Why do you need a university?" "Go oven pies!" could be heard from every angle in the direction of the young ladies. In the not too distant past had a…
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Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

Каждый рывок называю "последним", а потом вдруг оказывается, что есть новые вершины ;)

Jack_fx2015 avatar

рывок куда?

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

в покорении учебных вершин)) Следующий рывок - магистратура)

Alekc1 avatar
Alekc1 17 July

Бум обращаться

Barkovsky_Sergey avatar


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"The house in which ..."

Hi everyone. Today I would like to talk about consciousness stunning book "The house in which ..." (by Mariam Petrosyan), to be honest, it's one of the most impressive works that I have ever read... Well, the book itself is about a boarding house for the disabled. At first I thought it would be some kind of socio-psychological drama, but getting into the world of written deeper, I realized it was something more. In this book, you will become part of the same mysterious House, first you come and …
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 16 July

Это та книга о которой я столько слышала?

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

О да...Если откажешься её читать, то я все равно её тебе перескажу ;)

Jack_fx2015 avatar

любишь почитать?

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

особенно, такие вот, занятные книги)

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Emotion Challenge

Hello everyone! I think that emotions are important in our lives! With emotional people it is easily to communicate. I can describe the spectrum of emotions as the rainbow of life! We go from one state to another. I tried to show you my emotions in the video form. And it will be great if it will raise your spirits!
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Alexander22 avatar

отличная актриса!

Mariia avatar
Mariia 14 July

смешнюка))))но молодец!!!

George_m avatar
George_m 14 July

so emotional girl!!!

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

Я очень старалась) Так как часто приходится скрывать свои эмоции, то это было не такое уж простое задание...))

CLACCD avatar


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Don't swim for the buoys

Now in Ukraine are very hot, so there is nothing better than relaxing on the beach. I love (for lack of a sea or ocean of course)) to spend time with friends somewhere in the river or lake. Preferably away from the city. Swimming in the lake is an integral part of such a pastime. That's what I want to say, remember the safety on the water. Any water area is fraught with danger, no one is immune from convulsions or dangerous objects on the bottom (and sometimes - dangerous animals). So, swim only…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 8 July

Ох уж все эти опасности)

WallStreet6 avatar

yes, we can see that you are very hot

Alexander22 avatar

хорошо, что у нас крокодилы в речках не водятся )

George_m avatar
George_m 14 July

oh yes, you should be carefully always

Annuuta avatar
Annuuta 16 July

Alexander22 , да уж) Но если климат поменяется еще сильнее - кто знает, может крокодилам понравится в наших краях)))

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