taimasik's Blog


New Year can be different!

As the clock strikes twelve on December 31, there is a season of celebrating new year around the world.
So how do different countries celebrate? Look!)
Uncorking champagne, gorging on cakes, and feasting on black-eyed beans are considered lucky and festive. The best in fashion is what party-goers opt for in New Year Eve parties. Honking vehicles, paper blowers, noisy whistles, impulsive kisses are all part of the fun and gaiety.
Football tournament is telecast all across the country, and man…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 31 Dic

..the new yer has passed us by about an hour and we have just completed our new year's eve celebration....it was fantastic...and yes, we (our family members) let off our own fire works display.
Happy New year 2016 to you

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 7 Ene

хотелось бы попробовать отпраздновать Новый Год в кадой стране) чтоб потом знать, где лучше праздновать)

bo4ka avatar
bo4ka 7 Ene


keks2015 avatar

Happy New Year!

tim_time avatar

С Новым Годом!

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Shok!! No to animal testing!!

The movement against animal testing is growing by the day with more and more people refusing to buy products that were tested on animals. Many cosmetics have simply refused to do so at this point which is great! But so many more still need to come around.
To demonstrate the brutal nature of testing cosmetics on animals, cruelty-free cosmetics company Lush unveiled an animal rights campaign that replaced the animals with people. Their goal was to inspire people to get away from testing cosmetics …
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taimasik avatar
taimasik 30 Dic

RahmanSL unfortunately lots of people choose the "dark side"((

taimasik avatar
taimasik 30 Dic

Joe_Vulcan sorry...but at least it's true

RahmanSL avatar

Yes, some of us humans can be very cruel and selfish...BUT, and of course, fortunately not you and I :)))) :p...

taimasik avatar

RahmanSL there are lots of bad people. But the nice thing is that there are lots of good people as well!)

RahmanSL avatar

Yes...ditto...and ditto....good examples are you & I :p....

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Best friends

Friendships come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, don’t they?
Marimo the kitten and Fuku the owlet are an adorable pair of friends who play together, sleep together, and live together in their home, the Hukulou Coffee Shop in Osaka, Japan. The cafe has other owl visitors as well and sells owl-themed products.
Owl cafes are starting to becoming more popular in Japan and around the world. The bars and cafes can be seen from Tokyo to London. Of course, if you find yourself at an owl cafe, make sur…
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Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 10 Jul

селяви - судя по зрачкам совенок уже на стрессе, а лапы у кота все тяжелее становятся )

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 11 Jul

Yes, there are many cases of different specie of animals being good friends :))

taimasik avatar
taimasik 30 Dic

RahmanSL friendship is for all!))

wisdom_consultant avatar

так мило)

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 2 Ene


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Tiny home is the best home!)

Many of us dream to have a big house! We believe that it will make our live happier. But let's see some reasons why tiny house can be better!))
  • Less environmental impact.
People are more and more concerned about the state of the world, and that’s fair. Even if you deny climate change, it’s not hard to look around and see that humans are having a negative impact. When it comes to environmental damage, it all starts at home with what we buy, how much energy we use, and other consumer choices. Tiny…
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RahmanSL avatar

...ahhhh...okkkk...so small house is okay with you as long as there is love in it....ok my dear, when can we set up a small cozy house? :))))

RahmanSL avatar

...good side to small house is that its very easy and fast to clean :)))

yellownight avatar

tiny homes for tiny people))

taimasik avatar

yellownight and cozy too:)

antoine avatar
antoine 28 Nov

It's ok for me as long as there is no other person in at least 1 kilometer radius.

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5 tips for living from Mark Twain!

For your attention some tips from the legendary person, one of my favorite writers Mark Twain!
1. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
Basically, your greatest limitation is your mind. We worry about our self image and what others will think of us if we’re tall, if we’re fat, if we wear that outfit; but none of that really matters. All that matters is what you think.
2. “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing. Against the assault of laughter, nothing can sta
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Starsmil avatar

5. "Человек с новой идеей является заводите до тех пор идея не удается."
Марк Твен юморит и смеются все!!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 11 Jul

Yes, very similar to "Murphy's laws" :))

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 2 Ene

Love this guy

antoine avatar
antoine 28 Nov

Agree with all except number 4. The world is guilty for allowing you being born.

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Alien life is founded!

For centuries, humanity has wondered about life outside of our own planet, and two top astronomers believe that the comet the Philae lander has been exploring could very well provide evidence of microbial life in space.
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has several characteristics indicating that it contains life, such as its black crust rich in organic material that is presently best explained by the presence of living organisms below its icy surface, as reported by The Guardian.
Max Willis from …
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driven avatar
driven 7 Jul

I think you're a little quick to declare the discovery of alien life :)

GK_Tecvison avatar

Ok I will not try to circumciate my understanding.. But as far as life on earth... It is because of following reason.... When the matter is taking its shape into circular peripheral structure then water changed its color.... Then in the eventuality of air turning red... the vapor became blue.. then the correlation got formed.. then successive layers of atmosphere habitually sequentially formed the atmosphere on earth.. then upon the natures will to plan the seeds the earth took it as a generate.. Then seed got formed from air... then air stopped its disclosure... from the seed the plant..from

RahmanSL avatar

..ahhh, yes….the Rosetta Space Probe project!. The probe is named after the Rosetta Stone, a stele of Egyptian origin featuring a decree in three scripts. The lander is named after the Philae obelisk, which bears a bilingual Greek and Egyptian hieroglyphic inscription... After two scrubbed launch attempts, Rosetta was launched on 2 March 2004 at 7:17 GMT from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket and reached the comet on 6 August 2014,[12] becoming the first spacecraft to orbit a comet.…after a journey of 4 billion miles (7-billion-kilometre journey has seen it...cont.

RahmanSL avatar

.....fly past asteroids, and slingshot around Earth and Mars before it was put into hibernation to save energy in June 2011) that took 10 years, five months and four days, on 10 September 2014 – Rosetta enters the Global Mapping Phase, orbiting 67P at an altitude of 29 km (18 mi)…and on 12 November 2014 – Philae lands on the surface of 67P.

I watched it live on TV during those anxious moments when Scientist awakens Rosetta from its deep sleep.

This is truly one on mankind greatest technological achievements.

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 2 Ene


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Shoes made from ocean garbage

Humanity creates truly epic amounts of plastic waste, and if that weren’t bad enough, it often ends up in the Earth’s oceans, causing a variety of environmental and health impacts. The trick isn’t just getting all of the plastic out of the oceans, but what to do with it after you’ve fished out.
Adidas has proposed an excellent footwear concept: a shoe made from ocean waste. It has produced a prototype of the sustainable sneaker that’s almost 100% ocean trash. The upper shoe was made out of illeg…
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RahmanSL avatar

Yah, why not?.....make them out of biodegradable material and we should have less trash on our planet.

taimasik avatar
taimasik 10 Jul

RahmanSL yes!! absolutely agree with you!

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 2 Ene

I'd like to try

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Amethyst Crystal Hotel!

This incredible Amethyst crystal hotel being built in China is one of the more unique an aesthetically pleasing hotel designs that we’ve ever seen. It resembles a huge igneous stone sliced in half, revealing the beautiful amethyst interior. The hotel’s design is intended to instill a sense of calm for the people who choose a vacationing experience in the hotel.
The hotel is set to be built on the man-made island of Ocean Flower. There’s so much excitement around it that the hotel chain is looki…
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RahmanSL avatar

That's one big amethyst crystal....would love to have that in my house :)))

taimasik avatar
taimasik 10 Jul

RahmanSL and you will leave it near your pyramid?))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 10 Jul

Of course my love....to capture and store cosmic energy :)))

MrKorey avatar
MrKorey 2 Ene

wanna live there

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Mountains or...

At first glance, I actually thought the first photo was a mountain jutting out of the ground and toward the sky, but a moment later I realized it was actually an ocean wave at its peak. Wow! It seriously took my breath away.
Australian photographer Ray Collins has mastered something that few can – the art of photographing water. These incredible wave photos look nearly frozen, and in a way I suppose they are. It really goes to show the incredible beauty of this world. Look at hos other works. …
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RahmanSL avatar

You so sweet my love :)))

KATRIN_90 avatar

я писала блог уже на это тему) фотограф супер)

taimasik avatar

KATRIN_90 упсики....упустила этот момент...

bo4ka avatar
bo4ka 2 Ene


korvincorey avatar

прокатится бы на этих волнах)

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If you want to transform your life...

Good morning, dear community!)
I want to share you 6 pieces from the buddhist wisdom that can transform your life!)) Look through!)
1. Live a life filled with compassion and positive action.

Buddha wasn’t the only religious leader who wanted you to be compassion – you can find that teaching in others like Jesus Christ and Mohammed. It isn’t just beneficial to the world, it’s beneficial to your own spirit too. Compassion is critical to finding peace within yourself and taking care of yourself. A…
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RahmanSL avatar

Most people don't know that the Buddha never teaches a new religion....he teaches the path to enlightenment and how to achieve that state of consciousness.

RahmanSL avatar

...as usual, it's mankind that turn the teachings into a new religion.

Back to the age-old question: Did God created Man or did Man created God?

taimasik avatar
taimasik 10 Jul

RahmanSL I used to think that Man created God...) what about you?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 10 Jul

Well, these past 20-30 thousands of human history all have their prime Gods....so, what does that tell us?? :))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 12 Jul

Another food for thoughts:
Dinosaurs walked the earth for 140-160 million years before going extinct (most of them anywhere) around 65 million years ago.
Humans...or rather, Homo Sapiens...have been around a mere 200,000 years or so....and the oldest surviving religion (Hindusim, which is actually a combination of Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism) is just over a paltry 5,000 years old....it is more a teaching and guidance to the path of enlightenment then religious doctrine advocated by the two major present day religion of Christianity and Islam.

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