Блог Kivetat


To travel is to live

Travelling become a part of my planning process. I am planning at least one trip in a year. It is just abroad trips. Because we have many places in Armenia which i need to visit but not enough time and vocation to do so. But last several years was very full with trips and adventures.
And i want to share with u some points which i think travelling sub serve and what it gave to me.
One of the principal values of travelling is that it breaks the monotony of life and work. Life, for most of people i…
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In my bag

It is too amazing talking about my handbag:-) I think it is the heaviest and capacious bag) And i investigate that i have many important and unimportant things in my Bag:-)
I'll show you everything what i have in it by photo and will talk a bit about their necessity:-)As you see the most important thing in it is my passport:-) I bring it with me everywhere)))
Second thing is my umbrella)) I know that it wouldn't rain but i bring it with me....what if.....:-)
I bring with me my keys, my mirror my…
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