The wind was blowing me ...I broked through the trees, the birds were pecked from time to time, sometimes they beckoned, often incited ... But I gave myself an answer to the question in my head, made a choice and thread a ball of full helium firmly pressed between my fingers . You are as a complete hope, you do not know what is waiting for you, you are not in the system. Try to feel...It seems like what's up here ?! You think, some nonsense, I'm left to myself and nothing will change ... an erro…
The wind was blowing me ...I broked through the trees, the birds were pecked from time to time, sometimes they beckoned, often incited ... But I gave myself an answer to the question in my head, made a choice and thread a ball of full helium firmly pressed between my fingers . You are as a complete hope, you do not know what is waiting for you, you are not in the system. Try to feel...It seems like what's up here ?! You think, some nonsense, I'm left to myself and nothing will change ... an erro…