MissAngie's Blog


Playlist of my life

I can't imagine my life without music. For me, it is so important and powerful thing. I listen all typs of music, but my favourite is definitely pop. Here is playlist of my life!
1. Plavi safir - Bajaga
This song remind me to my friends and Primary School. We sang this think all the time.
2. Čuvam te - Aleksandra Radovic
Song about love. When you hear it, you'll realise why I love it.
3. Veseljak - Ana Bekuta
I love to hear this one in the clubs. (It is folk song.)
4. Million Reasons -Lady Gaga…
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My perfect gift

Everybody love gifts. They make us happy and remind us how much some persons are important in our life. But dearest gifts are those which we don't expect at all.My favourite gift ever is... hmmm... I don't know. Can't decide. Every one of them is a beautiful memory. Every gift is special for me in his own way. That can be various things, money, pets, feelings... But the biggest gift ever is my life with all incredible moments and unforgettable memories that I make every day and happiness which I…
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Hello everybody! My name is Angelina. I'm 18 years old. I come from little Balkan country, Bosnia & Herzegovina. There is ten facts about me. Two of them are lies.
♥ I don't like green vegetables (except lettuce which I like so much).
♥ I belive that mermaids really exist.
♥ Love cooking.
♥ Adore travelling. I'm a travel lover.
♥ I'm so lazy person.
♥ I have 3 tattoos.
♥ Love animals soooooo much.
♥ I always wanted to be an actress.
♥ Never had a flight on a plane, and never cruise ship.
♥ My fa…
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