tshadji's Blog


RITUAL DURING Vernal equinox - today, 21.03.2019

To day I am going to present you a RITUAL DURING SPRING equinox - 21.03.2019! And let's not forget to enjoy spring, with its unique aroma, scent, invigorating power, hope, caressing sun rays and love-all around us and in ourselves! 1. Take a shower and make a scrub by mixing your shower gel with salt. This way you will draw energy from the Earth's element. This element enhances our confidence, stability and our feelings for soil underfoot. 2. Light a candle. Look at the flame and imagine ho…
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The power of LOVE

Today I will tell you about the Magnolia, which is a symbol of spiritual purification. This stunningly beautiful and aromatic flower conquers magnetism. In China, where the flower is of special tribute, people believe the magnolia has its own history. The legend tells of a young girl from a poor family who was able to make beautiful paper flowers, which he then sold to passers-by. One day a parrot lined up in her room, promising to help her get rich if she cared for it. To revive paper flowe…
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The authentic man and the authentic woman

One man must be old enough, in order not to be in play and lies.
Young enough, to have a thirst for life and at times be a child,to make you laugh.
It must to be strong enough, to carry you on your hands and weak enough, to cry .. For love.. It has to be ready to give everything for you! Money, soul, life!
One woman must be old enough, to know,that happiness is not in expensive clothes, expensive dinners, expensive gifts .. She must be young enough, to believe in fairy tales and strong enough…
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So you have to Love life, be Happy and Smile

"I always feel happy.Do you know why?
Because I do not expect anything from anyone.
Waiting always hurts.
Life is short.
So you have to Love life,
Be Happy and always Smile!
Live for yourself and remember
before you talk - listen,
before you write - think,
before you hurt - feel ,
before you hate - Love,
before you surrender - try ...! "William Shakespeare
In these so real and so strong thoughts left in the centuries by William Shakespeare, whenever we read, hear, or pronounce them, we c…
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Forgive me - I forgive You!

Today, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Sirni Zagovezni, the celebration of universal forgiveness, also called the Fool Sunday and the Purgatory. Sirni Zagovesi is always celebrated seven weeks before Easter. In the evening of the feast, the families of their sons, daughters, grandchildren gather together to make them drenched with dairy foods. A banitsa with cheese, fish, boiled eggs, boiled wheat, white halva with nuts is prepared for the meal. At the table is also the custom of robbing: the …
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