Блог annatimone


US spy chief says foreign allies conduct espionage against US

…and they would know, since they`re bugging everyone`s phones.
Earlier, Obama had been saying he didn`t know about spying but the latest report in the LA Times directly disputes that:
"The White House and State Department signed off on surveillance targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Monday, pushing back against assertions that President Obama and his aides were unaware of the high-level eavesdropping.
Professional staff …
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Obama knew of Merkel phone being tapped since 2010

Another German newspaper Bild am Sonntag has today reported that President Obama has in fact known since 2010.
Citing a “U.S. intelligence worker involved in the NSA operation against Merkel”, NSA chief Keith Alexander informed Obama in person about it in 2010.
Bild has quoted the source as saying.
Obama didn’t stop the operation back then but let it continue The newspaper further reports that Obama in fact wanted more material on Merkel, and ordered the NSA to compile a “comprehensive dossie…
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Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 28 Окт.

Of course he knew....are people so stupid to believe otherwise

mag avatar
mag 28 Окт.

is DARPA most logical evolution in recent years. Everyone with smartphones down the street, people are surprised by that???? Of course Daytrader21

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US issues to be resolved, but at what cost?

Looking at the calmness with which the markets have continued to react thus far, the expected outcome is still overwhelmingly that a deal will be done which opens government and reassures investors that the US is good for its debts. I agree with that, the stakes are just too high for any other outcome; it is the possible legacy of any compromise that concerns me.

Should the Republicans be seen to force changes in existing legislation; amending a law that has been enacted by a democratically ele
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mag avatar
mag 14 Окт.

I agree

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Is payment prioritization is technically possible?

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution would allow President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. However, White House advisor Gene Sperling on Rtrs.
“Invoking 14th amendment would work only if global markets did not see extended legal battle”
I can’t see that happening. They’re still raising the issue of prioritization so it seems like it’s firmly on the table. It sounds like they’re opening the door a bit here. Then again the chance of a legal fight is virtually 100%, so…
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Here comes Yellen!

Obama thanked Bernanke and introduced Yellen. No one said much of substance but this one caught my attention:
  • Yellen believes the Fed must have vigorous debate, then unite behind response
Other central banks are moving more toward openly expressing their opinions in public and that’s been true of the Fed under Bernanke. This is a hint that Yellen wants all the Fed Presidents to speak with one mouth in public.
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stane2405 avatar
stane2405 9 Окт.

hehe, here we go...

sonjatrader avatar
sonjatrader 10 Окт.

Yellen has a profile more continuity than Summers in relation to ultra soft boots monetary policy that Bernanke has propped up the US economy.UU. in the last few years. However, one of his first tasks will be the articulate a timetable for the withdrawal of these stimuli with which Washington has flooded liquidity markets. So far, only another woman, the Russian Elvira Nabiullina, had played a similar chargement...

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US Headed for a Government Shutdown

Early on Sunday the US House voted, once again, to tie a vote on government funding to a one-year delay of Obamacare. The Senate has twice rejected the amendment and will rejected it again. If not, Obama will veto it.
The seeming lack of progress means a shutdown at midnight on Monday is increasingly likely. It will be the first government shutdown since 1996.
With the Tea Party seemingly taking control of Republican leadership, there is a chance this could be an extended fight. When markets ope…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 30 Сент.

Анна ,Обаму действительно очень сильно критикует сенат?В России очень живо развивают эту тему..

mag avatar
mag 1 Окт.

Interesting article on the line of your blog.

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