

Japan Inspired

HI everyone,
China is on trend now:-)
Chinese women as I can understand take care a lot of themselves and they can take hours to apply makeup. Sometimes it is more than they need:-)
I want to share with you some impressive information about what kind of makeup is trendy in China now.
I want to share with you the most common makeup trends that we can see on Chinese women's faces in the street>
Of course everywhere we can meet GLAMOUR and in China also. So the first one is Glamour:
The Chinese gla…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Gannochka avatar
Gannochka 2016年10月20日

+30 Dukascopy Compliment

Tach avatar
Tach 2016年10月20日

I like natural:)))

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 2016年10月20日

@gannochka Anya spasiiiiibo:-****

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2016年10月25日

Ангельская красота на мой взгляд )

mcquak avatar
mcquak 2016年10月30日

Glad I do need to do makeup everyday as women. :-)


Are you serious..!?

i know well that girls like to have a relationship with bachelors who know how to get your attention, how to stole your heart, how to create devotion, to become important, but sometimes they can brake your heart and there is no matter what kind of people you are, how good was your attitude to him and what kind of word make you fall deep in love with him. As we know women love by their ears....
But stop....
Maybe the guy near you who can be sometimes such silly and such obnoxious, but at the same…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
pipx avatar
pipx 2015年10月10日

Very well said

Tach avatar
Tach 2015年10月10日

и все равно девушки не устоят перед комплиментами

Tach avatar
Tach 2015年10月10日

Из оригинальных мне нравится этот "Какого дракона мне нужно убить, чтобы стать достойным такой принцессы?" :)))

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 2015年11月08日

let love come by ıtself
