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Filtrado por etiquetas:  Overcomefear

Воздушный шар

У меня всегда было и есть желание прыгнуть с тарзанки. Но у меня есть небольшой страх - это высота. Стоять на крыше высокого здания и смотреть вниз для меня не просто, у меня сразу подкашиваются коленки. Наверное, поэтому я все ещё так и не решилась на прыжок. Но, этим летом я сделала небольшой шаг к преодолению этого страха. Я совершила полет на воздушном шаре.. это самое безопасное путешествие по воздуху. Когда мы уже стояли и смотрели как готовят наш шар к полёту, я начала не много пережива…
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This is the best solution to overcome fear

When i was a little boy i used to be very very terrified when it comes to horror movies and even horror stories. I used to stand all night feared to sleep, that felt the things i saw will happen in my dreams and when i was sick, i used to shout sometimes during night times. Seen things and sometimes terrified that i will be killed by whoever kill people in movies and bad enough, whenever the story is called or based on true story. God i was like... Whaat is this, so is thing really? i was so so…
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It helps overcoming biggest fear

How i overcome my biggest fear
For years i have been afraid of sleeping. I used to think alot during the time before sleeping although i still have little potion i am working on in completely overcome fear but it is now better than i was before. Some people feel this is nice thing that you are going to sleep and some more feel so happy when it comes to go to bed. For me it is absolutely different, i did not enjoy sleeping. until i learn't how to control it by doing some sort of things and here a…
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Overcome your fear

Fear is a human experience and its natural. We all face it once, twice or multiple times in our life. Im also Failure-Phobic person. Failure is my biggest fear. But i have controlled it much.
Sometimes fear becomes the motivation for positive change and also vice versa. Somehow i have learned that failure is not opposite of success, its a part of success. Occasionally, we achieve our goals early but most of the times we try and work hard and hard and it takes our whole life to achieve it. But …
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Fear Your Biggest Enemy

Fear is your biggest enemy. Its the main hurdle in your success. It is oftenly said that fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
We should not be afraid to Fail always be afraid not to try.
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