

Economical Indicators,PPI

[i]Producer Price Index
Definition: The PPI is not as widely used as the CPI, but it is still considered to be a good indicator of inflation. Generally, the PPI is also collected by governments and it's considered to be among the most authoritative statistics.

This indicator measures and reflects the change of manufacturers’ cost of raw materials and semi-finished goods retrieving data from production and manufacturing firms across several sectors (manufacturing, agricultur
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Octavia avatar
Octavia 2014年01月29日

Is verry good


Economical Indicators

Economical Indicators

Economic indicators are important to Forex traders, because they represent vital data to understand the macro picture of a currency’s economy. They also help to anticipate future market activity and to determine whether a particular currency is over- or under valued. Macroeconomic indicators include figures such as growth rates, interest rates, inflation, employment, money supply and productivity.
There are many more indicators for the US economy than the
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示