annatimone's Blog


The unstoppable stock market machine: A bubble or a lack

The unstoppable stock market machine: A bubble or a lack of technicals?

I was thinking to myself over the weekend about the situation in stocks. A huge part of trading is technical analysis and it’s general ability to become a self fulfilling prophecy. If everyone is trading off the same levels then it adds depth and definition to the market.
Take stock markets at all time highs, what if there is no tech?
How do all the tech heads trade against a trend or find levels to enter into the market, e…
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mag avatar
mag 28 Oct.

I have a Twett saved to Favorites, it reads: The forces that move the world do not use technical analysis, but technicians can recognize the ways of these forces.

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Trading is about watching and listening to what the price

The dollar’s failure to continue the rally as yesterdays deal unfolded was the sign of things to come. The Dagong downgrade just added to what was already happening. The threat of downgrades have been well publicised all the way through the debt crisis and despite the deal they may still happen.
The ratings agencies weren’t just hanging on the deal but the way the US dealt with it. It wouldn’t surprise me to see another downgrade hit the wires. Fitch has already put the US on a warning and the o…
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mag 17 Oct.

analysis - evaluation - evolution -action

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Commodity Trading in Jeopardy as Fed Reviews Policies

The Federal Reserve is considering reversing decade-old rule allowing banks to ship oil and storing metal. How it could influence commodity trading? If the Federal Reserve reverses the rule allowing banks ship oil and store metal, it would be the biggest exclusion of banks from a market and it would put banks commodity-trading business in jeopardy. Most likely, commodity prices would stabilized or even go lower, because of the heavy impact it will have on banks. And for the banks, it woul…
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mag avatar
mag 23 July

Obama liquid part of the financial liberalization of Clinton?
the answer is complicated and deserves his previous reflection.

annatimone avatar
annatimone 23 July

Entire financial and subprime mortgage crisis definitely linked back go Alan Greenspan. Greenspan kept extremely low interest rates for a long time, encouraged people to buy/invest in housing, give a lot of freedom (and closing Fed’s eyes) to banks activities and list goes on and on. First of all, banks need to fix their balance sheets to get rid of bad assets and than everything else should come (capital requirements, separation of activities and such).

Nadin5794 avatar

то есть сами американцы говорят о том что назревает новый мыльный пузырь и теперь он в банковском секторе?..

annatimone avatar

Well, sure. Financial crisis was caused by the banks. There are speculations that we have minor bubble in real estate now. But who knows?!

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