Блог JuliaBF


Keep Your Secret

Hello Community!
How is your Friday going?
Today I want to tell you why is so important not to talk about your personal goals a lot. Have you noticed that, in fact, 95% percents of your personal goals never come true as soon as you start to talk about it with friends? I am sure you did. Why it happens? When you are on the way to get your goal you feel yourself very exited and ready to do everything to get it. As soon as you you start to talk a lot about this topic you simply loosing your energy
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CriticalSection avatar

There's evidence supporting your thoughts Julia, especially about the energy loss from people around us but also negative attitudes, naysaying & discouragement. It's important to share aspirations with supportive and understanding people who want to see us do well - who want to encourage us - who give us constructive but well-meaning criticism in a positive light. In the past I've experienced some of what you describe above but these days everyone around me is highly aspirational & goal oriented. I wish you well and am here if you ever need to share - your success is my pleasure :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 Апр.

The same is here CriticalSection and thank you a lot!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 Апр.
kyle fox needs to shut the fuck up. kyle fox needs to shut the fuck up.

oh yeah !! when you are close to sign the deal !!! shut the fuck up ahahhaha !!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 27 Апр.

exactly maximemc8

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Дек.

Yes, it's a psychological effect...the more we talk about it, our brain begins to think the plan has been accomplished and soon loss interest.

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To Watch Or Not To Watch??

Hey there again))
I would like to talk with you guys about such delicate topic as watching porn. You know, that there is a real problem appears among teenagers and it called porn watching addiction. Since it came out all people and especially women start to think that it is really bad idea to watch this kind of movie and especially let it appear sometimes in their private life.
However, scientist did a big study about this topic and proved that watching porn from time to time (not too much) is e
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 1 Апр.

я не против)

atasoy avatar
atasoy 1 Апр.


demovslive avatar
demovslive 1 Апр.

i like it lol

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2 Апр.

I never watch porn by myself, i rather prefer to have a good sex session with my love, even when im away from her, im trying to be patient even if its not always easy.... if i would do it, i would do it with my second half to put some spice in the sexual life of our couple.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Апр.

Good life position maximemc8

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Strong Personality. Habits, Way of Life, Power of Will.

Hey My Friends!
Who are the people with a strong personality? Which habits they have? Which way of life is for them? Why should we sick for getting such character?
You know, the power of strong personality is not about people who don't have any problems and enjoying their life. It is about ability to stay happy despite on any problems.
I think it is kind of complicated but everyone can become person like this. The main point is to have power of will and good motivation!))
So what kind of
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 31 Март

Not really easy to match all those details even if i have a strong personality. but i am trying to work on it a lot.....

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

they never say -- never again:)))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Апр.

True! Let's add it to my list!

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Empaths. How to protect yourself.

Heyyy again))
In continuation to the topic about Empath, today I want to tell you how to protect yourself from bad influence!))
If you already know that you are Empath (See in previous blogs how to define it) you should:
  • First of all you have to find a source of your anxiety.
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Март

I am not sure , do you have prove of your says? lets the conversation begin !!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Март

but maybe you are right.... in french this is 2 differents meanings.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 26 Март

may be

ALFCORP avatar

JuliaBF я догадывался, что увлекаетесь чем-то необычном, с удовольствие буду читать Ваш блог :-)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 26 Март

Спасибо ALFCORP приятно слышать))

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Empaths. Who are they?

Hello Community!
Everyone is know that our communication is all about energy exchange. There are can be two options: good or bad.
It is good if you communicate with people who are taking your energy and giving back their to you and it is bad if those people take your energy and thats all. In fact such people are called energy vampires and make a very bad influence on us. Moreover, we absorb their negative easily!!
People, who generously gives their energy to others are called Empaths. Th
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verindur avatar
verindur 23 Март

Yes I am an Empath. But I choose where to deliver my energy. However you loose a lot before learning that trick. Best choice. Just focus on generating energy for yourself. As soon you loose that focus you will start delivering energy like me. I am doing it for today only. )))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Март

I know verindur that you have strong personality. I am learning from you a lot. And here yes, the one will spend some energy to learn how to protect himself but once he got it, no more energy wasting)

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Smile Therapy))))

Happy Thursday Community!
Have you ever heard that the smile and laughing can prolong your life? I am sure you did . This fact is already proved by psychologists worldwide. They say when you are not in mood you have to sit on the chair with straight back and put the widest smile you can do on your face and keep it for one minute. Your mood will rise up immediately)))))) I've tried so I can confirm!! Moreover, when someone criticize you or saying bad things just smile and this person will be des
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 12 Февр.

smile to the life JuliaBF , Life will smile to you!!!!!

muye avatar
muye 12 Февр.

not only smile but I´m laughing loud -  now about smailing! -  yes only in decent atmospheres - for example is digusting to see somebody smiling with a full mouth of Salami pizza :)) - it´s disgusting -  that´s why I allow to smile only with character People.  @JuliaBF agree laughing is the best medicine - thanks. :)))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 12 Февр.

muye, we don't ask you to smile discusting ahahaha we ask you to smile :))))))) ahahahah

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 12 Февр.

If all of us will smile than all decease gonna disappear soon! Sounds cool)))

verindur avatar
verindur 13 Февр.

Give me reasons to smile and I will. Nice timing for this topic to come up. I cracked a record breaking one day performance for myself yesterday in one of the competitions. I missed the target here. Could have been +75k more. But that's trading. Everyday something new to learn. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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