kahinistanbul's Blog


USDjpy general analysis

USDJPY's decline in BOJ's super-bond purchase has made the yen valuable, while the USDJPY parities retreated up to 112.25 support. If we look at the dollar wing, both on the bond side and on the dollar index front, The direction is up. For this reason, adhesion on 112.25 is technically important.
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Oilusd general analysis

As crude oil surges, API estimates suggest that oil stocks in the United States have dropped by 11 million barrels, one of the highest figures in recent times. Data from the Ministry of energy to be announced today will shed light on oil prices. Technically, we are in the vicinity of excessive intake, and this can be considered a tiredness.
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Overview of EURUSD parity

We are watching the EURUSD currency retracement up to 1.1910 support zone. The return in the market began after us data last week, and we see that the rise in prices is particularly effective. We are also following a downward trend in the risk appetite in the option market. 1.1910 and 1.1865 retracement can be viewed as critical support
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