Nick_T's Blog


My resolution - NEW TASK EXAMPLE

That's just an example for you
since you are not active, I'll take courage to share the promises I've made to myself for this year. It's just your plans, goals, etc, if you are confused by the title of the task.
1. Take care of myself
Recover after the injury (it was quite bad, I'm out of active sports for another 6 months), rethink the way I live: what I eat, how much I sleep, how much time I spend in front of the computer.
I've already started to take actions in this field - installed …
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 10 Ene

Well, that's another point ) Lying to yourself is uncool

jezz avatar
jezz 11 Ene

There's a little morbid joke - Look, everyone on Titanic was healthy and rich, and what happened?
It took me to finish in the hospital with internal bleeding to realize that 'if you ain't gonna die from it, don't lose your nerves'... ever since then, I started to appreciate life in a different way. It opened many doors for many good things

mag avatar
mag 13 Ene

1 Take enough care of my health, exercise, diet Mediterranean, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I sleep more alive in a jet lag continued.
2. Continuing education (one of the reasons for my lack of sleep)
3 I go to digital book, I've lost track of what I read to the end of the year. An entire library. 22 years of traveling every day. If you ask me my address is Zaragoza, I am actually living among train of high speed Madrid, a_68 and some airport Highway
4 I must leave a little Internet and networking them social.
5. All day with obscenities!! I am tired.
6. Just what I need, may too Spartan.

mag avatar
mag 13 Ene

7 I am happy with what I do, but not smile much, can that for stress
8. The work makes me happy, have to work hard, things to pay and all for work, is a spiral. I don't think that it will break it.

jezz avatar
jezz 13 Ene

post in the competition. I'm sure girls will give you thumbs up :D

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Dukascopy Community Team's New Year's resolution

Happy new year, everyone.
I'm addressing you on behalf of the team behind the Community and related services.
What do we want to do in 2014?
As many of you, we also have our New Year's resolution. And I am keen to open this information to you.

We are going mobile

We already have mobile trading platforms, now it's time for the website. We'll have the mobile version of Community quite soon.
We are becoming even more social
We are very close to publishing a mobile application that would help you c…
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jezz avatar
jezz 8 Ene

Hm, I'm having some view that looks like a mobile version, then I switch to desktop view to see notifications, messages... maybe I should send a screenshot :P

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 8 Ene

jezz, please do.

jezz avatar
jezz 9 Ene

I still have an open 'window' to open the mobile version... if it's no trouble for you, I'm not bothered

SFXbernhard avatar

Congratulations what you have achieved!
On the other side it would be nice if you could put in more energy to improve the stability of the JForex platform and its environment. It still has plenty of bugs! I rather would like to have a stable platform than another social contest. If you even want to deploy a new version, please deploy a Beta first. Do not just change and launch a new Demo version. Keep Demo and Live as close as possible. Please rather stabilize your platform than always implement more features. Demo Users, live customers and developers will thank you for that.

Iryna avatar
Iryna 11 Ene

Congratulations for you!
It is good that you develop a contest!

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