Metal_Mind's Blog


EUR/USD - First steps towards revarsal !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: Fibonaci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,CCI
  • Current Level : 1.0823
  • EUR/USD staggering sell out that started in the middle of 2014 has developed gradually, that until of course the ECB announced its mighty 1 trillion Quantitative Easing program to boost the euro zone economies by giving them a hand and letting them breath a little from the mountain of debts they've accumulated.
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 Apr.

UPDATE 1: I might have been to bullish on the euro but i advocate for the saying ,,what goes up must come down ,, and vice versa. I also see a similar intensity as the sell wave  in a potential reversal. It is a  prediction that currently is not in parameters but it remains to see how it develops.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 Apr.

UPDATE 2: The pair plunged Monday  to its lowest point of 1.0520 and afterwards started a steady rise towards 1.08.Seem that my point of view of ,,What goes up must come down '' proved correct. Of course the euro recent strength was helped by US weak  data releases.There is certain a lot of volatility in the pair which is normal due to current ,,Grexit '' situation but from the current 1.08 i can say may prediction stays in the game .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 Apr.

UPDATE 3: The pair reached 1.09 level this week and even though there are more than 400 pips towards my target from current technical set up and with some help from the fundamentals  this prediction may come pretty close. Sometimes the ones you done believe  in come to surprise you.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Apr.

UPDATE 4: GREAT PREDICTION. I anticipated the reversal precisely as can be seen in the charts above if compared to current price. Also my personal view for a bullish euro in contrast to the majority of analyst which were bearish  proved to be right and top notch i may say. Current price level is 1.1130 pair reaching a high of 1.12 today. There is almost 200 pips from current price to my target. In that aspect i may say that there is a high possibility for this prediction to close at a larger deviation. Beside that fact i  am very satisfied with this analysis in terms of quality.

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EUR/GBP - Trend Reversal !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8008
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EUR/USD - Reversal on hold for now!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 1.3692
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 1.3652 that beeing an 170  pips deviation from target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: The deviation didn t lowered. In fact it is mainly the same but the pair is set up to  go higher,so we should experience some interesting price action next week.

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CAD/CHF - Bullish reversal !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8150
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1 : EXCELENT PREDICTION :The bullish reversal occured as predicted with  great accuracy & quality.Target has been reached as expected and the pair now is making its first retracement . Everything gone  very well and according to the charts that i draw above.The deviation from my target is only 30 pips now ,curent price level is 0.8327. I have high hopes for this prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: Since my last look , the pair had  a good run, narrowing the previous deviation of 30 pips to just 11 pips now , current price level beiing  0.8348.I see the pair consolidating in the days to come in a 50 pips range  so the final result could be interesting.As a conclusion i might add that this prediction played out really well.

Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 3: Current price level is 0.8320. The deviation increased to 37 pips as the the trend had a  bearish corection. With only 2 hours to go i dont know if the price action can recover this loss but if the fundamental will help  we could see a wiiner.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : The price at the settlement is 0.8318  representing a deviation of 39 pips from my target.

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Bollinger Bands Trade!

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jezz avatar
jezz 9 Apr.

It was a good trade. Entry point at the price crossing the middle band (EMA anyway), SL triggered at the retracement - crossing the middle band again. And what does your lesson say to you?

Metal_Mind avatar

Well i should trust indicators  once in a while .

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USD/JPY-Trend Reversal!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,CCI.
  • Prepared with :JForex 4.
  • Current Level :103.22.
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Metal_Mind avatar

Thank you ...wish you the same :)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 21 Apr.

UPDATE 1: EXCELENT PREDICTION.The pair continued the bullish momentum from 1 st of April and then  around 104 price level as i predicted it  retraced in a strong bearish wave finding support at 101.30 price level which is only 30 pips above my predicted support level in the chart above. This predcition is truly spectacular. Hope the volatility will not ruin it this week. Even the price level today is 102.53 which is only a 31 pips deviation above my target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Apr.

UPDATE 2 : EXCELENT PREDICTION: Deviation 1 pip at this moment. The latest bearish trend has help reach my target.From the looks of it the pair is going bullish for an retracement and since there are  more than 12 hous till settlement this incredible accurancy will most probably  set it to fire.It is such a piity. Nonetheless another great prediction to be added in my wins.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : EXCELENT PREDICTION .Price at settlement was 102.28 that beeing a 6 pips deviation from target.After all it seem that my fears were for nothing. This is ttrully one of my gratest prediction quality and timming included.

Baskaran avatar
Baskaran 11 May

i like realy good

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GBP/USD -Bearish Trend Reversal!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day,1 Week.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Retracements,CCI,Pattern Analysis Widget
  • Prepared with :JForex 4
  • Current Level :1.6638
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jezz avatar
jezz 30 Mar.

It was about time you wake up a little :)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 Mar.

:)))) Yeah. I am late . Only one day to go and so many analysis to do.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 21 Apr.


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AUD/USD-Bullish Reversal !

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Indicators: Fibonacci Retracements,Fan Lines,Support & Resistance,EMA:3,5,13,21,50,100,200.
Current Level : 0.8979

AUD/USD is in a very interesting set up right now. If we watch closely on the 4 Hours chart we can see that the pair made a major resitance at (0.9095) and afterwards descended in a bearish trend forming an important support zone at the (0.8660) price level from where the price action started another rally.
As we can see we had in the first half of
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: Excelent prediction. I anticipated very well the bullish reversal and this occured  as i predicted it in two phases with 2 higher supports zone as i draw it in my chart. The target has already been reached , the current price level is 0.9263 that beeing a  140 pips deviation above target. Excepting the deviation the prediction is excelent.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 Mar.

UPDATE 2: Today the pair seem to make a minor retracement. The closing  price was 0.9253 reducing the deviation to 130 pips. The prospects are good for this prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 Mar.

UPDATE 3: Current price level is 0.9270  which  increases the deviation to 152 pips.With only several hours to go , without any event the target looks pretty far.

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GBP/JPY-Retracement or Revarsal??

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Elements used: Fibonacci Fan Lines, Fibonacci Retracements,EMA 3,5,13,21,50,100,Time Markers.
Current Level : 170.80
GBP/JPY have had a very interesting layout in past two months. The strong bullish wave that stopped in on 31st December making room for a waited retracement after over 800 pips bullish momentum without any major retracements. The pair surprised in these two month with very strong bearish & bullish trends and intermidiate movements that lasted for days.
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Mar.

UPDATE 1: It seem that my calculations were right with this prediction. The  pair definatly started to move up.Current price level is 169.78 which is a 130 pips deviation from  target. The price action positioning and timming is excelent and from the look of it we will have a bullish continuation as predicted.This one is close.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 Mar.

UPDATE 2 : Well this prediction definatly played out very well. the timming really was great. The Friday closing price is 171.17 that  beeing  only 9 pips  above my target  and  a (0.10%) deviation. This is an excelent prediction. The bullish wave is pretty strong  so this result unfortunatly  from what i see will not be preserved  until settlement. Nonetheless this is one very good prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 Mar.

UPDATE 3: This excelent prediction seem ruined . The current price level is 172.01  that  increasing the deviation from target  to over 93 pips from previous  9 pips. It such a shame since this was an excelent prediction.

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EUR/NZD-Bullish reversal & Channel up?

Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
Elements used: Pattern Analysis Widget, EMA 3,5,13,21,50,100,Time Markers.
Current Level : 1.6277

EUR/NZD pair is definetely set for a bullish reversal after the last 780 pips bearish trend which started in 29 December and continued until now.I have decided to introduce the Pattern Analysis Widget as an element of my analysis because lately it showed remarkable results and is a valuable & important tool .On the chart bellow we can see that the widget mesured a channel up
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 Feb.


Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 2: Current deviation 700 pips.

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