
タグ・フィルター:  Senate

How worried is main street of the US mess?

A PEW survey out the yesterday shows that 57% (up from 48% of respondents) are very concerned over the economic impact of the shutdown and 51% believe that raising the debt ceiling by tomorrow is “absolutely essential”. 36% think there’s no problem with going passed the deadline.
The shift of blame has seen the Republicans come ut on top with 46% laying the blame at their door, up from 38% prior. Obama is only 37% at fault up from 30%.
As far as deadline goes 52% believe the ceiling issue will b…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

10 reasons US government shut down is not bad

Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee say there’s a bright side to the government shutdown, listing the top ten reasons:
10. Approximately 15,000 EPA employees are furloughed, making it less likely fake CIA agents at EPA will be ripping off the taxpayer
9. EPA doesn’t have the manpower to raid Alaska mines with armed guards
8. Fewer bureaucrats at the EPA makes it less likely that they’ll make up science on new regulations
7. Former Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar i
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
mag avatar
mag 2013年10月16日

Thanks Anna.


Republican Senate caucus delayed until Tuesday morning

There had been chatter about rapid progress being made, but maybe not so much as to expect some sort of firm proposal tonight. The delaying of the full caucus meeting is likely a positive as leaders move forward in negotiations.
The Republican Senate caucus has now been delayed until Tuesday morning (US eastern time). 11am the scheduled time for the caucus meeting. 11am start – not bad work if you can get it. Peel me another grape.
Looks like we do more hanging on every word out of Washington.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示