Alexana5's Blog


How social media does not always reflect reality

I really like this experiment, of one Dutch student.
She convinced family she was on trip around Asia - despite NEVER leaving her bedroom.
HERE is the whole Link even with the Tutorial
So she said that she going to take a trip, and used photoshop and put photos on Facebook, even skype talks she make in her sofa, but change "background" behind. And her family and everybody in her college bealives it! They really though that her Trip was amazing!
But at the same time she spend all…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Stix avatar
Stix 3 Paź

On Facebook, I mostly share thoughts and ideas...  :) :)

JungaBunga avatar

haha, yes she fool all her friends

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Paź

verindur  haha Good point!! :D

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 3 Paź

Stix  oh yes, this is good :) add me on facebook?

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 3 Paź

теперь не выходя из дома можно побывать везде :))

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Social media research.Like&Help

As I noted before in "Go Green" )HERE, that right now im writing Bioethics educational program.
And also looking forward charity and other possibilities to help people and animals,
Last "fun stuff is #Icebucked challenge
I agree, that his is good idea to get attention -from one side, but from another side, this #icebucked challenge already on the way, loose its first Aim and meaning, and become fun.
If there been attention to DONATE, then, it lost.
I saw this picture
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Alexana5 avatar

oh good info, thanx

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