Блог Сообщества Dukascopy

Отсортировано по тагам:  Spain

Hola! Currently at Barcelona.........let's take a look at GBPUSD

Hola! to all Traders!,
I am back trading with this competition after my other competition at Barcelona!
So let's take a look at the GBPUSD chart below,
Based on the 30mins chart there is a clear based in the last 10hours and I have decided to go LONG on GBPUSD and also GBPJPY for a few hundred pips up.
However keep a decent stop loss.
Okay Im off the trading room to enjoy a boat ride along Barcelona. Will post some photos here later.
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11 - The hour of great disappointment

The decisions of the President of the Generalitat were badly received by almost all: radical independentistas and Catalan non-independentistas. As for the government, the position remains: it's all illegal. And promise a reaction, as consensual as possible.Carles Puigdemont proclaimed the independence of Catalonia at 7:36 pm local time, to say a few seconds later that it was suspended, to give way to the decompression of Spanish society as a whole and to promote the dialogue between Barcelona an…
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Light my fire

Доброе утро, всем романтикам!
В начале Июня я посетила необычный фестиваль « Про это», пост о нем можно найти в моем блоге. Так вот, заприметила я себе одно массажное масло Light my fire от Испанского бренда Bijoux Indiscrets и вскоре стала его обладательницей)))
В чем его фишка:
- масло съедобное. Вкус- карамель и соль . Есть еще земляника мед , шоколад и цитрус, афродизиак.
- разогревающий и смягчающий эффект
-потрясающий запах способный вскружить голову, не только Чарли с шоколадной фабр…
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hrustiashka avatar
hrustiashka 27 Сент.

Я все-таки тоже попробую)))

JuliannaS avatar
JuliannaS 27 Сент.

hrustiashka ой там все вкусно и приятно )

priceaction113 avatar
priceaction113 12 Окт.

at nigh

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Hello Community!
Ibiza is a purely youth resort center. Night life of the island will not give to sleep to any person. Numerous discos provide real music hit parades literally give birth to a new style of dance on this island. These young people come from all over the world, with different musical tastes, trends, style and genre of music. And I wonder how successfully local DJs find desired program for each person.
To sights of Ibiza can be attributed Portal de ses-Thouless Fortress. You can fi…
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WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 15 Сент.

maybe they're just waiting in line to get there

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 19 Сент.

WallStreet6  really? ))))

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 20 Сент.

not sure:)

Aviator avatar
Aviator 24 Сент.

Все еду туда

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 25 Сент.

Aviator  реклама подействовала?

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"Gate of Europe» (Puerta de Europa)

Of course, the most famous in the world of oblique architectural structure is "falling" tower in Pisa. Madrid boasts not one but two such objects - skyscrapers "Gate of Europe» (Puerta de Europa). And if Pisa Tower deviates from vertical axis due to natural processes, the Madrid giants forced "to bow" to each other and exact calculation of creative genius of their creators - American architects Philip Johnson and John Berge.
In 1996 they decided to defy the Earth's gravity and exact geometry of…
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WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 21 Авг.

Never heard of it! But another one of those places:))))))

vitaliani86 avatar
vitaliani86 25 Авг.

а ты видела их?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  Madrid is an amazing city!

Alexander22 avatar
Alexander22 24 Сент.

новые пизанские башни?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 25 Сент.

Alexander22  я возле их жила ))

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Magic Faucet

Magic Faucet is the original fountain, located in Cadiz, the Andalusian city in southwest Spain. Not surprisingly, the idea of its construction is much delight in the curious tourists, because the tap does seem magical. The stream of water pouring from an open faucet, which is not connected to communications - that appears before the eyes of passers-by.
However, metal floating in the air, of course, not the fruit of magic, and intelligently thought-out project. As you may have guessed, special …
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 17 Июль

Wovch  тебе повезло!

Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 Июль

много сейчас появилось интересных фокусов ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 21 Июль

раньше тоже много было

vitaliani86 avatar
vitaliani86 23 Июль


vitaliani86 avatar
vitaliani86 7 Авг.

наверное, кто-то любит фокусы )

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Batalla Del Vino, Spain

It is well known: alcohol pushes people to feats. In Haro, Spain it is learned earlier than others; the annual Battle of Alko called «Batalla del Vino» there were firstly organized almost 600 years ago. And the fact that these battles are heroic, no one doubt. Judge yourself.
Every year on the 29st of June thousands citizens wake up early in the morning, dress in white, arm with children’s water guns and climb with them on a nearby mountain. There wine battle unfolds. But instead of bullets is …
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 11 Июль

CharmingRimma  похоже все топ конкурсантки Мисс Дукаскопи учат сейчас испанский ))))

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 11 Июль

наверно все собираются в  отпуск в Испанию ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 12 Июль

я бы поучаствовал в этой битве )

Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 Июль

все собираю вещи и лечу туда ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 21 Июль

Wovch  :)))

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Expensive resorts in Spain

One of the world's centers of tourism for many years is Spain. There are resorts located on the Mediterranean Sea, and those ones that are located on the shores washed by Atlantic. The most popular are Cоsta Brаva and Cоsta Dоrada. Always a lot of tourists on Cоsta del Maresme, Benidorm and Cоsta Blаnca.
But the most expensive considered Cоsta dеl Sоl, which is located in Andalusia, and its chic resort of Marbella. Precisely in Marbella, besides luxury hotels, are situated private villas of roy…
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Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 Июль

Yulia10  и не только ты ))

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 17 Июль

а как насчет Италии? ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 Июль

а хорошо ли в Италии?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 21 Июль

Yulia10  об Италии напишу позже

Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 21 Июль

Wovch  в Италии понравилось намного меньше

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Lаs Fаllas festival

Good evening, dear Community!
This article is about one of my favorite cities Valеncia, Spаin and Lаs Fаllas festival.
Every year, from 14th to 19th of March in Vаlencia, Spаin - a festival of fire and thе arrival of spring in honor of St. Joseph It is called Las Fаllas. A week before thе celebrations, painters, sculptors and architects create incredibly complex structure of paper, wax, papier-mâché, wood, foam and other mаterials.
The height of some of thе sculptures up to twenty meters. …
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 11 Июль

WallStreet6  do you like F1?

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 11 Июль

умеют же веселится ))

WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 11 Июль

yes, like to watch it on TV, but would like to see it live oneday.

Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 Июль

недавно как раз смотрел по телевизору этот праздник, говорили что испанцы насколько заводной народ что празнуют не переставая днем и ночью ))

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 17 Июль

значить умеют веселится ))

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