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EURope union

Because recently I exchange some interesting opinion about Europe and ECB monetary politics ( here ) I want to represent my point of view in some fun way. For that reason I will use some beautful charts from Yanko Tzvetkov. So lets start:
Europe according to Greece:
Europe according to Italy:
Europe according to France:
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alifari avatar
alifari 29 Dec.

Very funny..... thanks for sharing

Daytrader21 avatar

LOL...indeed quite funny especially the Future of EU

Nicco avatar
Nicco 29 Dec.

I hope the future of EU to be funny! Now I have many doubth. But, of course...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Facts about spams

I really have no time to fight against spammers or cheating contestants.All i cando is write a blogWe allliving in the world of total marketing. If somebody think that spamming other
people to get highest popularity is right way how to win a prize, then it’s
sad. But i don’t want to win this way.Regards,Airmike
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Korean Spam (canned meat popular in Hawaii). Photo heavy.

Ah! Spam, the meat of wartime. It's popular in Hawaii and also.... Korea since many soldeirs went over to fight in the Korean war. It's very....special.
Spam makes a great gift. There are so many types of spam available.With all these flavours, you'll never get bored and that's not all..
There are so many ways to eat spam. My favourite is in a stew. It tastes good in a variety of soups and stews. Here's a Korean Army stew.
Or how about in a stir fry?Or in fried rice. Don't forget the egg on top…
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Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) with a video of traditional clothes

It's Chuseok time in Korea! Er.... um... actually it's over... It was Sept 18-20. It's a 3 day Holiday. People in Korea do the same things that North American's do except the food is different. They eat.... Spam. Spam is a popular Chuseok gift. It's something that Americans brought over during war times and it was cheap and easy to bring over and a reminder of home. War time, was a poor time, so like in Hawaii, people ate spam. Ah.... BEAUTIFUL Hawaii.
Of course Rice cakes are eaten as well as …
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