

What About Some Experiments in Sport??:)

Hey guys
Lets talk about sport a bit
I am sure everyone is seek to be fit and do sport 3 times per week minimum! But what kind of sport do you prefer? Cardio, weights or both? Whatever you choose, all good as it is sport. But what about some experiments in your daily workouts? What kind of person are you? That who always does the same types of workouts and never change or that who loves to try something new and make experiments? I belong to the second type. I am to active to do the same each and
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月24日

your welcome!! let's support our blogeuse !! she deserve to win this contest!!

verindur avatar
verindur 2015年04月24日

maximemc8, Every Girl who wins here is my best friend. But I don't understand why they leave/dump me after winning :))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月24日

Bad girls!!! I am not like them verindur))))))

verindur avatar
verindur 2015年04月24日

Julia : )))))))))  You have a great sense of humour.

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月27日

ahahah :) verindur they all detroy your message box untill they have result of contest ahahah but JuliaBF is not doing that...;


Workout Exercises For Women in 1940's

Hey Community!
How are you doing today? All good?
You know I found out a very interesting information about how women in 1940's kept themselves in a good shape. Guys, I want to be honest with you. . . I am jealous like never before in my life!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone explain me where those kind of machines are disappeared??? Why did we stop to use it??? I mean, today to stay fit you have to work as hell on yourself. Running and cross fit forever! While in the past girl were just enjoying their spor
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 2015年04月15日

хм интересно много толку от такого)

Natali_Poltavskaya avatar
Natali_Poltavskaya 2015年04月15日

это реально какой-то релакс-тайм)))

DanaJulia avatar
DanaJulia 2015年04月16日

Это фитнес для ленивых? больше на массаж какой-то похож))) Мне тоже интересно, помогало ли оно, наверное больше кожу подтягивало, но все равно не заменит упражнений...

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月16日

ну девочки, вспомните какой раньше эталон красоты был)) теперь понятно почему

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月17日

ahahah funny! and easier!!!!


Open Air Workout VS Gym

Hey Community!
Most of us a working out regularly and I wonder which kind of sport do you prefer? Despite on a kind of sport you do, did you know that that the most amazing way to do it is open air? If you have opportunity to make it, do it! You will have faster and better results as for body as for health as well. Why?

  • You are not under air conditioner
  • You breath fresh air with no bacterias around
  • You improve your stamina
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年03月12日

Don't let one bad experience put you off .That was just your body getting tougher lol . I don't know it's just a buzz ,a rush and after you can go home and have a hot bath and then drink some hot chocolate :) .

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月13日

work out outside is always the best !!! i love it.... seaside especialy.... im trying to do it regularely...

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月13日

Yes JockPippin! Hot chocolate is amazing decision after running session))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月13日

Good boy maximemc8!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月19日

yes i am :)
