Daytrader21's Blog


World Cup Finale: Emerging Market vs Developing Market team

As you already know the Brasil World Cup 2014 finale will be played between Germany (Developing Market team) vs Argentina (Emerging Market team). In this blog post I just want to take the time and have a look into the economics data and see how the two economies stack up against each other. Last time I've wrote about the World Cup I've applied a carry trade strategy by going long a basket of emerging currency market funded by a basket of developed market currencies and see who would win based o…
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60 Minutes Show

This weekend on CBS channel the 60 minutes show has put on the spot line the things that are currently wrong with the stock market.
Not only that it exposed the bad thing that HFT is doing to the market place but also it seems that after the show has exposed those HFT "games" FBI is now probing HFT. FBI said to probe High-Frequency Trading over abuse of information.
Also the mainstream media has generate a lot of Buzz around this subject in the last 48 hours. Of course there is more behind the c…
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Convallium avatar

Wow) cool!

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War bullish or Bearish?

Currently the main market driven theme and the high risk event is the geopolitical event happening right now in Ukraine. As we have seen the market has become very sensitive to any risk event The news coming out from Ukraine are escalating very fast the Risk ON-OFF play and usually in time of uncertainties Risk On-Off will play in both sides as things begin to escalate in Ukraine risk aversion will kick in and when things will see some …
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Nicco avatar
Nicco 5 Mar.

Very, very interesting, as any post of Daytrader! You dom't find any data to interpolate COLD WAR too? The present situation with Russia-Ukraine-The rest of the World I think isn't a true war (I hope so!) but a cold war, or a freesing war...

Daytrader21 avatar

Thanks, Nicco. Cold war doesn't necessarily mean direct military action. Unfortunately I don't have any data as per your request

Convallium avatar

yes, Ukraine brought risks!

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Olympics and Stock Market Correlation. Cycle of War

A professional trader will look at just about everything that can give him a statistical edge to make a profitable trade. Even myself as a believer and practitioner of market cycles I'm looking for cycles that can be found from presidential election, Inflation figures, Unemployment figures and even the Olympic Games if there is a statistical evidence that you can make a buck from it than I'll trade it.
According to a research from Bespoke Investment Group during the last 26 Olympics Game the…
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Skif avatar
Skif 17 Feb.

Не пишите о том о чем не имеете представления , это сообщение касается вашего мнения относительно событий происходящих в Украине .

jezz avatar
jezz 17 Feb.

Sometimes I feel a strong connection (actually I mean love) between you and fractals :D

Daytrader21 avatar

@Jezz LOL.........Actually, I'm very fascinated about fractals in general and in particular about the applicability in the Markets as well. You just give me an idea, tomorrow I'm going to update one fractal that I've posted here last year, and guess what the market followed that analog quite astonishing:)))). At that moment many didn't believed it will work. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see about what fractal I speak about:).

jezz avatar
jezz 17 Feb.

Pascal freaks...

ruwim avatar
ruwim 7 Mar.

very interesting, thanks for your research and good luck.

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The Hollywood Indicator

Following the success and the popularity of my last blog post on trading movies pattern I've decided to take this one step further. You can find this blog post and the chart that I'm speaking about here:"The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Review". It was a chart showing the pattern between Wall Street movies and the Stock market crash.
This time we're going to look at every Wall Street movie ever made and this time you will see that Wall Street movies not only that have predicted some of the most s…
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Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 1 Feb.

Wow what an interesting read! I was just saying today that I've had several people asking me recently for "stock tips" that know nothing about markets. My theory is that the FED has effectively taken the "fear" out of the markets with stimulus. I like the message of your blog - When the general public gets so excited about the markets (and start making movies!) you know the end of the 5th wave is near.

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Federal Reserve QE Effects on the Stock Market

Since the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 the FED has begin using new type of market policy like Quantitative Easing to try to stimulate economic growth. QE is the same as printing money. Interest rates where already at record-low levels, so in order too pump more money in the economy the central banks around the world where left with only one option to buy assets, usually government bonds, using money it has simply created out of thin air, that's basically what QE means. While the FED was …
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