

Can all emotions fit in one?

My emotions can be seen in my eyes. Most people say that most of the time, I have that ice rock look in my eyes showing 0 emotions. True.
Most people say that I look angry when I look serious... Top left picture. To tell you the truth, I look like kind of a bad a...s
Other pictures are more or less easy to see what they represent. Second was a provocation which had the effect on my face 'oh no, you got it', next one is the flash that shook me to stand away from food, the next one is me being lov…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
jezz avatar
jezz 2014年04月29日

I'll try to find one poker face to show...

babonasfx avatar
babonasfx 2014年04月29日

jelena preti all pic, me like big pic

dragandj avatar
dragandj 2014年04月29日

once again, radiating like a fairy. Which you are. I'll repeat again - I know you long enough, shared so many good and bad moments with you. But you know how to make people smile and laugh

mag avatar
mag 2014年05月01日

I like first picture.... BAD !!!! GRRRRRRRRR

jezz avatar
jezz 2014年05月01日

Actually, that's my regular serious face. You see now why I must smile?


Wild friday

This is a pic my mom took 7-8 years ago. It was supposed to be a girls' wild night out. Under some weird circumstances, we both fell asleep, and my mom took this picture to remember - a complete mess in my room while picking clothes and shoes...
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
VTTG avatar
VTTG 2013年09月21日

Real messy, hihihi... funny :D

mag avatar
mag 2013年10月13日

wild nigth !!!
