ilonalt's Blog


My summer wish list

As summer has already came, at first I would like to wish to all my friends and community members - May Your summer will be bright, shiny not only around you but also inside you! Wish you a lot of positive emotions, unforgettable blinks and a lot of smiles! Cherish and enjoy every moment! We can't stop our time, we can only make it better and nicer!
Summer is my favorite season of a year. Not only because of nice weather, beautiful nature, but also because my children don't need to go to school,…
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Convallium avatar

good summer list)

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Influential women

I respect all influential people, who make World better and nicer. It is very difficult distinguish one or some of them. I think each are particular and needful.
But as according to the Task requirement I need to choose 3 of them I will choose Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde and Dilma Ruosseff.
I admire Angela Merkel because she is simple and straight. She well knows what she want and the ways to achieve it. Germany economy is strongest in Europe and I think it is big contribution of Angela Me…
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marius24 avatar

you are an influential woman for your children :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 11 Oct

thank's dear marius24, it is one of the most important compliment for me :)

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