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Отсортировано по тагам:  Task 18


На сегодняшний день очень многие стали забывать свои традиции.
Думаю,это проблема многих стран,потому что нынешние приоритеты молодёжи совсем другие - соц.сети,развлечения,клубы,телевизор,интернет,компьютерные игры.
Так как в своём университете я являюсь представителем всего студенчества,то со своей командой мы пытаемся кк-то решить эту проблему: поводим альтернативные досуговые мероприятия, темы которых тесно переплетаются с историей,традициями и культурой различных стран,в том числе и России.
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 15 Дек.

Как здорово! Молодцы!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 15 Дек.

Будет интересно посмотреть ваши репотражи от туда :) или хотябы несколько фотографий

evilspeculator avatar
evilspeculator 15 Дек.

Awesome post - I could not agree more. In midst of a popular culture run amok Russian women are the last refuge available to men. Maybe it's time to learn Russian!

Ann7293 avatar
Ann7293 15 Дек.

Спасибо!Обязательно покажу вам,как всё прошло))))

Ann7293 avatar
Ann7293 15 Дек.

start learning))

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As kid i was born in Thailand, and from Thailand i came to The Netherlands, and there i learn about some traditions here we have a child holiday it called : Sinterklaas.
It's a party/traditons figured based on sint nicolas other names : the good holy man.Sinterklaas is celebrated annually with giving of gifts the night before Saint nicolas days 5 decembre ! In The netherlands schools starts at end of octobre with celebrating and telling the children that he arrived! When the children are sweet t…
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nessa avatar
nessa 30 Окт.

Yess people are ridiculousness about it. I have no opinion but they have to skip the discussion about it. great how you bring this up in your blog!

gabythelady avatar
gabythelady 31 Окт.

i know!

Pepijn avatar
Pepijn 31 Окт.

aan de ene kant heb ik zoiets van ja. ik snap dat mensen het racistisch vinden maar ook heb ik zelf zoiets van ja het is een traditie daar blijf je gewoon van af. Er zijn meerdere tradities die niet nu lijden maar waar het sinterklaas feest wel onder leid momenteel. Als er word gezegd sorry piet is ineens blauw of rood dan zou ik denken van he wat is er aan de hand!! klopt dit allemaal wel.

maarja thats live allemaal discusies over dingen.

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Vodka connecting people

Don't worry, the topic is not about vodka, but about phrases which we say when we celebrate something
I have many foreign friends.
And few times when we were speaking about russian phrases during drinking alcohol, they were sure we say "На здоровье (Na zdarovie)", means "for health". I was confused but not saying anything, because I could not remember if we, russians, say this.
After I had been told this 2-3 times from different foreigners I decided to check the information
Do Russians really sa…
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Nad19 avatar
Nad19 29 Окт.

Trés jolie ☺

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 9 Нояб.

Where is the new post?

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 6 Март

MobNaga, soon I'm coming back:) if you still wait for new posts...:))

driven avatar
driven 29 Апр.


WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 22 Сент.

thanks for some interesting info

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Interesting task, and I should say that I told you about this family tradition on February ( when I was on my grandmothers birthday).
This video can be funny for you but it is a long time tradition and nobody can brake it. My relatives always was musical and sing a
songs in different occasions. About 3 generation we keep it and give it to another generation of our family.
This simple tradition always join our big family ( and it doesn't matter how old are you or who you are- if you a part of…
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Stix avatar
Stix 3 Окт.

I like traditions too - old and new ones. :) :)

isomere avatar
isomere 3 Окт.

Il suffit de voir la santé mentale des gens déracinés pour comprendre, bravo pour ce sujet.

ivanoviv1267 avatar
ivanoviv1267 7 Окт.

ничего себе семейка)))))

Experto avatar
Experto 14 Окт.


MariamKa avatar
MariamKa 14 Окт.


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Traditions. Традиции

1) In our family there is an ancient tradition - to play a violin. My great-great-grandfather, the general of imperial army who lived in the 19th century, in free time from military campaigns, played a violin and even took it with itself on war. And I carried on this family tradition.
2) Other family tradition - travel and studying of sights of visited places. On a photo my boy-friend and me are in the Belarusian city of Gomel near the palace of the count Mikhail Vorontsov. Also I vi…
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Окт.

Violin is a lovely instrument... I played it too. :) :)

Valeriia_Novikova avatar

Super !!!

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Chinese cultures and traditions are fascinating - Chinese New Year

Oh I like the topic about cultures and traditions. As we all know there are so many funny and interesting cultures in China. Some are based on historical reason, and some are based on people’s superstition. Too many Chinese festival and traditions which can take me ages to introduce all. So I just pick the one I favorite the most, and also it’s the most important among those. It is CHINESE NEW YEAR!! (also called LUNAR NEW YEAR)
There is no exact date of Chinese New Year, it varies from year to …
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robinson24 avatar
robinson24 16 Сент.

...."There have been so many preparation work before the New Year. I hate it!!!" ... WHY ... ?)

Stix avatar
Stix 16 Сент.

Thank you ! :) :)

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 16 Сент.

robinson24 because I needa clear my house, go to market to buy all kind of New Year's stuff .. it can be very tiring :(

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День Рождение и Последний звонок

Я хочу рассказать вам про традицию, которая сложилась у меня, так уж получилось родилась я 31 мая. В этот день все отмечают последний звонок!! Последний звонок - это день когда мы прощаемся со школой и идем отдыхать в лето) Но из за сложившийся ситуации в стране и в связи с внешним независимым тестированием в этот день проводят выпускные. Выпускной- день, когда мы прощаемся со школой и идем во взрослую жизнь. Да, уж так сложилось всегда отмечала два праздника: конец учебного года и день рождения…
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minakko avatar
minakko 21 Сент.

вот совпало так совпало

dikko avatar
dikko 21 Сент.


kiva avatar
kiva 28 Окт.

Хороший пост!

daniellka avatar
daniellka 30 Нояб.

Повезло тебе два в одном!

ipusa avatar
ipusa 30 Нояб.

Good post! thank you!

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Mixed traditions

By completing this Task, I understood that I have so much mix inside))
Because my family Grand Mother and Grand father lived in Uzbekistan the half of their life
And we always had some traditions from this Middle Asian country.
Drinking tea in special cups, uzbek plov, --sweets, and few years ago getting all together in a dinner table, my Grand father sit in the middle and like to wear "tubiteika"(traditional cap) it was so weird but when I was a child I liked it so much))
By the way we are no…
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Each family has ita own traditions and customs. Every year we aspend our summer in our country house or we go to the Vologda city, where our granny lives. We like to walk up to the bell tower and see the teffific scenery.
If we go to our countryhouse we sunbathe & have a rest. All these things are traditions connected with relax.
If to talk about holidays, Easter we spend doing religious procession and decorate eggs. I don`t understand why but it`s my favourite holiday)
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В перкрасной стране-Индии есть такая традиция,когда девушку выдают замуж,то на самой свадьбе муж приоткрывает ее фату,в знак того,что он забирает ее под свой кров чистую и непорочную!Затем жени может поцеловать свою возлюбленную,наверное,самый прекрасный момент этого торжества!Наша страна-Украина,да и в принципе все другие страны переняли эту традицию.Я считаю,что эта традиция очень романтична.…
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