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GBP AUD dibujando retroceso


Objetivo: 1.915
El estudio de este par se realiza con dos gráficos, temporalidad diaria y de 4 horas.


El par Libra – Dólar Australiano viene cayendo desde principios de año donde dibujó una figura de cambio en los 2.15. En éste último mes el precio ha roto la línea de tendencia bajista con fuerza apoyándose previamente en el nivel del 1.85. Ahora la cotización está luchando contra la media de 200 sesiones con lo que se espera un retroceso en el precio.
4 horas:
En é…
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GBP / CAD dibujando suelo anual


Objetivo: 1.905
El estudio de este par se realiza con dos gráficos, temporalidad diaria y de 4 horas.


La relación del GBP contra el CAD viene dibujando una senda bajista desde primeros de año donde dibujo un doble techo. La línea de tendencia bajista se rompió a mediados de mayo.
Durante este mes el precio a testeado los niveles de 1.80 y en ellos ha dibujado dos bonitas velas de rechazo. Con este escenario se espera que la cotización de precios vuelva a tocar los niveles de…
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GBP/USD La libra continua la caida

Objetivo: 1.385
El estudio de este par se realiza con dos gráficos, temporalidad diaria y de 4 horas.


Cómo podemos ver la línea de tendencia alcista ha sido rota por el precio la semana pasada con una fuerte vela que revela claramente sus intenciones bajistas. La media móvil de 200 sesiones viene confirmando ésta tesis. El resultado de este pensamiento resulta en el nuevo testeo del nivel 1.38.

4 Horas:

En este gráfico inferior podemos ver cómo el precio intenta barrer el …
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Horizontal movement at GBP CAD

This pair present a clearly bullish trend and seems it continuous but now It’s drawing a bearish channel.
In the nearest time we can see how the price has drawing a bearish channel and how it’s going close to the support at 1,79.
Objective in June: 1,8280
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At the moment the price it's following the bearish channel.
The 1.81 level did work.

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The 200 sma rejected the price from 1.825.

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Bearish channel AUD NZD

This pair it’s clearly in a down trend. It’s drawing a bearish channel and the last movement it’s an impulse drawn during two lasts weeks. After that impulse the pair could make a retracement like this image.
In four hours chart image we can see the accumulation pattern after the retracement.
Objective in June: 1.0480
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The level at 1.01 seems has worked.  Now the price is testing the resistance at 1.05.

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This week the price was made a double floor and one bullish impulse.

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Lencoeur 20 mai

This week this pair raise more than 300 pips, now the price it's drawing a reversal pattern and seems that could do a recoil.

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Zigzag pattern

After the last big impulse this pair it’s drawing an horizontal channel inside the uptrend.
At the four hour charts the price it’s drawing a zig zag pattern. In this moment it’s making an a little impulse until to the bottom of the channel.
Objective in June: 120.4
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The second leg of the zig zag is finished. Now touch to see if the the 109.00 level hold the price.

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Still ranging, only 100 pips of ATR this week.

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Lencoeur 19 mai

The 119.00 level it's working up quite well.

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Lencoeur 26 mai

Now the price it is at the top of the channel. Will see what it draws.

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Uptrend broke CAD JPY

This pair has broken the uptrend recently. After the pullback I hope to a new bearish movement.
In 4 hours chart we can see the climax reverse pattern at the top of rising channel.
Objective in June: 92.40
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The price is touching the down part of the uptrend.

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This week the price was made a double top  and began an bearish impulse.

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Lencoeur 19 mai

Finally the price pass through of the channel.

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Life after the crack USD CHF

After of crack in January begins to go back to the normality. At this moment the pair it’s making a zig zag pattern in answer to the crack.
After of the first impulse now it’s making a retracement. This retracement could arrive at 0,93 and later the next impulse.
Objective in June: 0.9980
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The price finished the new impulse untill 0.93.

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A little recovery to USD in form of double floor.

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Lencoeur 19 mai

The price has broken the 0.93 level at seems it is drawing a double floor at 0.91.

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Bearish impulse pattern EUR/CAD

This pair has broken the uptrend line and now it’s drawing a bearish movement.
In this moment the price it’s accelerating due to it’s broken the support line (in red).
In four hours we can see how the price broke the trend line (in red) and it begins an Elliott impulse pattern.
Objective in June: 1.275
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The price it's close to the inclined resistance line.

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This week this pair have made a zig zag and seems still comming down.

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Lencoeur 19 mai

CAD news gives at this pair a bullish impulse.

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Big retracement to EUR / USD

The EUR USD pair it’s in a down trend from long time. Seems still in it until the parity. But during the travel always there are possibility to recoils. Now we are on one.
I think the price could go back until 1.14, the next strong level at this pair.At the moment the pair it has drawn a double floor and it’s moving between 2 bullish channels.
Objective in June: 1.136
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The price has touched the first objective at 1.12 and begin its recoil.

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NFP holds the price at 1.12. heavy resistance at 1.135.

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Lencoeur 19 mai

A severe down impulse, the price continuous following the channel.

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Lencoeur 26 mai

Channel broken.

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