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Miss Dukascopy ... Here is an idea for morning exercises

翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Strategyrunner avatar
Strategyrunner 2017年04月30日

Viktoria_tori , MegJay , AnnaZhurina Have fun Make a video in sync with incredidle Animal.

Strategyrunner avatar
Strategyrunner 2017年04月30日

Viktoria_tori , MegJay , AnnaZhurina " ALL MISS DUKAS COPY FRIENDS" Have fun Make a video in sync with incredidle Animal  ....  Crazy !! Yes i am crazy  ... " But Dukascopy has a  wave of Crazy Contest's  with cash prizes. My Finances will have to grow. If you can convince Dukascopy to cover your airfare and hotel to Amsterdam on July 8th 2017 and provide an entertaing screenable video I will provide youwith  two back stage passes to the Sensation Final wich is sold out.. http://www.sensation.com/news/7-behind-the-scenes-looks-at-the-Worlds-Leading-Dance-Event/

Strategyrunner avatar
Strategyrunner 2017年04月30日

Viktoria_tori , MegJay , AnnaZhurina " ALL MISS DUKASCOPY FRIENDS" Have fun Make a video in sync with incredible Animal ...  " But Dukascopy has a  wave of Crazy Contest's  with cash prizes. My Finances will have to grow. If you can convince Dukascopy to cover your airfare and hotel to Amsterdam on July 8th 2017 and provide an entertaining screenable video I will provide you with  two backstage passes to the Sensation Final which is sold out.. http://www.sensation.com/news/7-behind-the-scenes-look. https://goo.gl/sGQzPy

Strategyrunner avatar
Strategyrunner 2017年04月30日


Strategyrunner avatar
Strategyrunner 2017年04月30日



Sensation … The Sensation Legacy All GREAT things have to come to end EVER CHANGING BUT NEVER ENDING except the memories

The Sensation Legacy All GREAT things have to come to end EVER CHANGING BUT NEVER ENDING except the memories .. "" The Oak of Love"" Come Back tomorrow for 2008.. The Photo Increible Animal was inserted in error. I will post the video later. It had nothing to do with [email protected] You will Enjoy .. Competing with Miss Dukascopy is a Challenge
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示