peachynicnic's Blog


Give a first try in Fundamental Analysis

Hi my lovely community,
Since Miss Dukascopy is coming to an end
Finally I have a bit free time really start working on something related to trading
I start working on the theory stuff, beginning with Fundamental Analysis, some Technical theories
This week is my first time taking part in Fundamental Analysis Contest
Actually I have been interested in it for a long time
Finally I can spare some time reading some news and do some analysis
I am not a professional one, just a new learner, but…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 媽的... 那 ... 你也猜錯咯? LOL

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 Lis

是啊,  一直 以为欧元区经济不景气现在 突然来个数据利好

peachynicnic avatar

Jacklin 對呀, 第一次玩就失利, 不開心

Jacklin avatar
Jacklin 24 Lis


DominguezV avatar

En este concurso puedes participar sin ser un profesional, simplemente tira una moneda al aire, "CARA Alcista" "CRUZ bajista", muchos éxitos.

lubZostaw komentarz

The beginner's guide to forex trading

Remember I said about I wanna learn how to trade?!
But when I read the material online which is full of data and analysis, it makes me headache.
Sooner or later, one of the trader from the community suggest me a website.
I click on it and check it out a bit. Wow.. it seems cute.

It includes detailed explanation with adorable cartoon illustration.
It is not any mars language no more.
I find it really easy to understand
Thanks bliznak for your recommendation.
If a…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
peachynicnic avatar

Stix DumbAsArock iiivb Let see if I can gain any from the site lol

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 10 Paź

@verindur : hmm Good sight...;)

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 10 Paź

then I am also going to check that out ;)

peachynicnic avatar

Bimlesh How is the site? Good or bad?

Skysea avatar
Skysea 15 Paź

Good beginner  =))

lubZostaw komentarz

On the horns of a dilemma - Trade or not?

After a month of waiting, Miss Dukascopy August results of are finally out. Thanks those who has supported me. Had it not been for your help, I would not have achieved it.
After the celebration (no celebration at all, just be happy for a couple of minutes), alright, gonna face another problem.
What to do with the prize? I read carefully the blog written by Nick:
We remind that August is the last month in Miss Dukascopy where participants have a choice weather to have the prize funds transacte…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
fxsurprise8 avatar

are you sure the turnover is 1.5 mil? They instituted that in late August so your August win should be with 0.5 mil?

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 I have already asked about it, yes 1.5M. But it makes no difference between 1.5 and 0.5 lol .. Still a gigantic amount !

TradeTrading avatar

I don't consider very fair this Dukascopy politics with miss aspirants... why they should force an aspirant Miss Dukascopy, and not an aspirant trader, to do a turnover in a real account before can take its price?! Seems not really fair....

peachynicnic avatar

TradeTrading No free lunch in the world, you play the game, needa follow the rules no matter it is fair or not

TradeTrading avatar

Sure, but it is still not fair :P

lubZostaw komentarz